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Recipes 1 – info saffron

How Do We Prepare Saffron?

There is an interesting way to prepare saffron to get a richer color and aroma. In this method, put Saffron stigmas in a grinder, add a pinch of sugar to help the stigmas to get grind better and release stronger color. You should use ice because its molecules get activated at lower temperatures. So after grinding, put some cubes of ice on it and let it melt by itself in the room temperature. Now your saffron is ready to act as a magical coloring and seasoning agent in your savory dishes.


Saffron paneer mousse with cherry sauce
  • 300 gram paneer cheese
  • pinch saffron threads
  • 2/3 cup greek-sty|e natural yogurt
  • 1/2 cup caster sugar
  • 1 cup thickened cream
  • 1 cup frozen pitted cherries, thawed
  • 1 pomegranate, juice drained, seeds reserved


Saffron paneer mousse with cherry sauce
  • 1
    Process cheese, saffron, yogurt and half the sugar until almost smooth.
  • 2
    Using an electric mixer, beat cream in a large bowl until firm peaks form. Fold cream into cheese mixture. Spoon into 4 serving glasses. Cover with plastic food wrap; chill for 30 minutes.
  • 3
    Combine cherries, remaining sugar, pomegranate juice and 2 tablespoons water in medium saucepan over high heat. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to moderate; simmer, stirring for 5 minutes or until slightly syrupy.
  • 4
    Spoon cherry mixture over mousse. Serve mousse sprinkled with pomegranate seeds.





 Kulfi is a popular frozen dairy dessert from the Indian subcontinent. It is often described as “traditional Indian Subcontinent ice cream” and this easy recipe is from my Aunt!


2 1/2 cups  Milk (I used whole milk)
1/2 cup  Condensed milk
1/4 cup  Milk powder
1/2 tsp  Cardamom (elaichi) powder
1/4 cup  Nuts (almonds, cashews, or raisins)
3-4 strands  Saffron


1.Combine the milk, condensed milk, and milk powder together and bring to a boil. Add the nuts and cardamom powder.
2.Dissolve the strands of saffron in 2 tsp milk and pour in the above mixture
3.Simmer for 20 to 25 minutes or untill the mixture thickens. Cool completely.
4.Pour into 4 kulfi/icecream moulds and freeze overnight till firm.
5.To serve, take the kulfi out of the mold and transfer immediately to a dessert plate.
6.Serve whole or cut into smaller pieces, garnish with crushed almonds/cashews.





  • 170 g unsalted butter
  • 500 ml whole milk
  • 1 small pinch of saffron threads
  • 180 g caster sugar
  • 10 g fast-action dried yeast
  • 800 g strong flour , plus extra for dusting
  • 115 g icing sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 150 g dried pear , or apple
  • 120 ml Cognac , or Calvados
  • 150 g unsalted butter , (at room temperature)
  • 80 g plain flour
  • 100 g hazelnuts
  • 5 tablespoons caster sugar
  • 1 small lemon


  1. First, start your filling. Finely chop the dried pear or apple and mix in a bowl with your chosen liqueur or water. Set aside.
  2. For the dough, melt the butter with the milk in a pan over a low heat. Stir in the saffron, set aside and allow to cool.
  3. Mix the sugar, ½ a teaspoon of sea salt, yeast and flour in the bowl of a free-standing mixer. Gradually add the milk mixture and mix well.
  4. Using the dough hook attachment on the mixer, knead for 15 minutes, or until silky and coming away from the sides of the bowl. Place in a greased bowl, cover and leave to rise for 1 hour, or until doubled in size.
  5. Returning to the filling, drain the dried fruit and add to a bowl. Finely grate in the lemon zest, finely chop the hazelnuts and add along with rest of the filling ingredients, rubbing together with your fingers. Cover and set aside.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4.
  7. Roll out the dough on a floured surface into a 28cm x 70cm rectangle. Spread the filling over the dough, leaving a 3cm border all the way around.
  8. Roll the dough up from one of the longer ends, pressing the edge firmly to seal. Cut the roll in half lengthways, turn the pieces cut-side-up, then loosely twist around each other.
  9. Bring the ends together into a ring, tuck one under the other, and press to seal. Transfer the wreath to a baking tray, cover with a clean tea towel and set aside for 30 minutes, or until increased by half its size.
  10. Bake in the middle of the oven for 30 to 35 minutes, or until golden and the bottom sounds hollow when tapped. Allow to cool on a rack.
  11. Meanwhile, whisk the icing sugar, cardamom 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of water in a bowl. Drizzle over the wreath, and serve.



  • 2 teaspoon ghee
  • ¼ cup/ 45 grams pre-soaked and drained short grain or basmati rice
  • 4 cups/ 1 litre warm milk *
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • Pinch of salt *
  • 2-3 cardamom crushed
  • Generous pinch of saffron strands
  • ¼ cup chopped / sliced assorted nuts
  • 2 teaspoon rose water optional
  • 1 tablespoon dried rose petals optional


  • Soak saffron in 1 tablespoon of warm milk and keep aside.
  • Heat up a heavy bottom non – stick pan . Add in ghee.
  • Now stir in the drained rice for 1 minute on medium heat.
  • Now slowly add in the warm milk .
  • Let it come to a boil. Stir occasionally .
  • Once it starts to boil , lower the heat and keep stirring often to avoid rice or milk sticking to the bottom and the sides.
  • The milk will start thickening and reducing within 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes , just check the rice , it should be tender enough .
  • Now add in the sugar, salt , cardamom and saffron milk.
  • Cook it for another 10 minutes. The milk should have considerably reduced.
  • Mash some rice with the back of the spoon if desired.
  • It might look thin , but remember after cooling and chilling it will considerably thicken up.
  • Stir in the chopped nuts .
  • Switch off the flame .
  • Serve warm or chilled .
  • Add rose water and rose petals just before serving.


Do not add sugar before rice is tender because the rice will take forever to cook . I microwave the milk for 3 minutes before adding to the rice, this just quickens the process. However you can skip the microwaving and directly add milk to the pan which will add up 15 additional minutes to the total time.I always use a pinch of salt in desserts as it brings out the flavors really well, it’s completely optional though.I have used almonds and pistachios . You can add nuts of your choice and raisins too.Adjust sweetness to your preference . If kheer thickens a lot after chilling, just stir in few tablespoons of cold milk at a time. Rosewater and food grade rose petals are completely optional.




  • 280 grams cake or fine sponge flour approximately 2 cups or 500 ml
  • 10 ml baking powder approximately 2 teaspoons
  • 5 ml fine cardamom approximately 1 teaspoon
  • 1 ml salt approximately 1/4 teaspoon
  • 67.5 grams fine granulated sugar approximately 92.5 ml
  • 1 egg
  • 92.5 ml oil 1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon
  • 250 ml buttermilk approximately 1 cup
  • 5 ml vanilla extract approximately 1 teaspoon
  • Oil for deep frying should be at least 5 cm deep

Saffron syrup

  • 500 grams sugar fine granulated, approximately 625 ml or 2 1/2 cups
  • 500 ml water approximately 2 cups
  • 10 stamens saffron
  • 5 ml orange blossom water approximately 1 teaspoon
  • 15 ml fresh lemon juice approximately 1 tablespoon
  • 5 ml butter approximately 1 teaspoon


  • 125 ml pistachios coarsely ground


  • Sift the flour, cardamom and baking powder together in a bowl with the salt and set aside.
  • Whisk the eggs and sugar in a bowl until it has doubled in volume and the color has turned pale yellow.
  • Add the oil and vanilla and whisk again to combine.
  • Add the buttermilk and whisk again for a minute.
  • Add the sifted flour and mix into a sticky dough. If your buttermilk container was larger than 250ml DO NOT add the rest of it to the dough as it makes it runny and prone to spilling out of itself when frying.
  • Fry a tablespoon full in moderately hot oil until golden and cooked through. Adjust the heat if required to ensure that the bollas are not browned too quickly and undercooked. If the oil is too cold it will soak it up like a sponge. Do not crowd the frying space.
  • For the syrup boil all the ingredients together until the syrup starts to bubble, about 15-20 minutes. If it is too thin it will be watery and soak into the bolla instead of forming a glossy cover.


  • If you do not have buttermilk you can substitute the same amount (250 ml) of full cream milk mixed with a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice (leave to stand for 5-10 minutes so that it thickens and add another tablespoon only if required). Alternatively you may use plain drinking yogurt or laban that has a similar consistency as buttermilk.
  • If you do not have orange blossom water, use the finely grate rind of 1/2 an orange instead. 





  • 1 Can Coconut Milk – use full fat
  • 1 Can Condense Milk – can be low fat
  • 1/2 Tsp Saffron
  • 1/2 Tsp Cardamom Powder
  • 10 Pistachio – chopped


  1. In a large bowl, whisk together coconut milk and condense milk.
  2. Now sprinkle some saffron strands, cardamom powder, chopped pistachio and fold everything gently.
  3. Transfer to an air-tight container and freeze for 45-50 minutes (for a soft serve) or 2 hours for an extra firm texture.
  4. Once the ice-cream is set, remove it from freezer.
  5. Scoop 1-2 dollops in a serving bowl and sprinkle with saffron and pistachio.
  6. Similarly scoop the ice-cream in each serving bowl (I’m using 6) and decorate.
  7. Serve Chilled.




  • 2 liters full cream/ whole milk
  • 2 to 3 tbsps lime/lemon juice
  • 5 tsp flour
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2-3 tbsps rose water or a few strands of saffron
  • 5 drops of yellow food color (according to your preference)

Steps to Make It

1-Gather the ingredients.

2-Bring the milk to a boil over a medium flame. Stir occasionally to sure the milk does not burn. When the milk begins to boil, add the lime juice and mix well. When the curds begin to separate from the milk, turn off the fire and leave the milk aside for 10 minutes to let the curdling process finish.

3-Strain the cheese and wash it well under running water – to remove all the lime juice from it.

4-Now put the cheese in a cheesecloth and hang for 1 hour to completely drain all the liquid from it.

5-Put the drained cheese into a mixing bowl and begin to knead it. Continue till all the lumps are removed and the cheese is absolutely smooth. When this happens the cheese will begin to release its fat and your hands will feel greasy. The smoother you knead the cheese, the better the Cham-Chams. This is the time to add the yellow food color and mix well.

6-Now sprinkle the flour over the surface of the cheese and work it into the cheese to mix thoroughly.

7-Mix the sugar and water in a pressure cooker and bring the mixture to a boil (without covering the pressure cooker). Make sure the cooker is large enough to accommodate the finished Cham-Chams, as they will expand to double their size while cooking in the syrup!

8-While the sugar syrup boils, divide the dough into small marble-sized balls and roll between your palms till smooth. Now gently press them into an oblong shape and then flatten a little.

9-Gently add the balls to the sugar syrup and cover the pressure cooker. Add the cooker weight and wait for the first whistle. Once the first whistle blows, wait another 8 to 10 minutes and then turn off the fire. Release the steam from the pressure cooker and allow the Cham-Chams to cool completely before touching them. They will have expanded to almost double their original size and will be delicate when hot.

10-When cool, pour the rose water or saffron syrup (made by soaking the saffron strands in a little warm water) on the Cham-Chams and chill for a few hours. When chilled, remove the Cham-Chams from the syrup and arrange on a platter.

11-Whisk the fresh cream until thick and fluffy. Fill into an icing bag and pipe a swirl out (with a thick nozzle) onto each Cham-Cham.

12-Garnish with slivers of your favorite dried fruit and serve.





Batter Ingredients:
2 cups flour (self-rising)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup yogurt
3 strands saffron
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
3 inches vegetable oil (canola/sunflower cooking oil for deep frying)
2 drops food coloring (orange)
Syrup Ingredients:
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons rosewater

Steps to Make It

1-Gather the ingredients.

2-Mix the flour, baking powder, yogurt, and food coloring into a batter and keep aside for 24 hours to ferment.

3-Pour batter into a ketchup dispensing bottle.

4-To make sugar syrup, melt the sugar with the rosewater in a small saucepan and boil to get a one thread consistency. To check for one thread consistency, carefully dip the tip of your index finger into the syrup, touch your finger and thumb together and gently tease apart. If one thread is formed between your finger and thumb, the syrup is done.

5-Turn off the fire, add the saffron strands and cardamom and stir well.

6-Heat the oil in a deep wok-like dish. To test for the right temperature, drop a small amount of batter into the oil. If it sizzles and rises to the top of the oil, the oil is hot enough. Keep the flame on medium at all times to ensure thorough cooking of the jalebis.

7-Now hold the ketchup dispenser over the hot oil and squeeze the batter into the oil into a wiggly, randomly coiled circle. Squeeze out several at a time.

8-Fry till light golden and then remove and put directly into the sugar syrup.

9-Allow to soak for 2 to 3 minutes and then remove.

10-Serve warm.



2 liters full-cream milk
1 can/400 grams sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp. cardamom powder
1 cup of sugar
1 cup Basmati rice
50 grams almonds blanched and slivered
50 grams raisins
A few strands of saffron
Optional: rose petals to garnish

Steps to Make It

1-Wash the rice well and soak for half an hour in enough water to cover it fully.

2-Put the milk, condensed milk and sugar in a deep, thick-bottomed pan and boil. When the milk comes to a boil, add the rice and simmer. Cook till the milk thickens and reduces to half its original volume.

3-Add the almonds, raisins, and cardamom and cook for 5 more minutes.

4-Turn off the cooktop and add the saffron. Stir well.

5-Allow the kheer to cool, then chill.

6-Serve cold garnished with rose petals.



2 tablespoons butter
1 ½ cups diced peeled dark orange sweet potato (1/2-inch), such as Garnet
2 ½ cups diced crisp apple (1/2-inch), such as Honeycrisp
¼ cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon coarsely ground pepper
All-purpose flour for dusting and rolling
1 sheet frozen puff pastry, thawed in the refrigerator
1 tablespoon milk, warmed
¼ teaspoon saffron threads
½ cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
1 cup pomegranate seeds (from 1 pomegranate)


Step 1
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

Step 2
Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Once the foam subsides, add sweet potato and cook, stirring often, until light brown and tender but not breaking down, 6 to 8 minutes. Stir in apple, brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Remove from heat.

Step 3
Dust a work surface with flour. Unfold the thawed, cold puff pastry sheet and roll it out to a 12-inch square. Cut into 9 equal pieces.

Step 4
Stuff the pastry squares into 9 cups of a 12-cup muffin tin, allowing the edges to hang over the top. Fill with the sweet potato mixture.

Step 5
Bake until the edges of the pastry are sunny brown and flaky, 35 to 45 minutes.

Step 6
Meanwhile, place warm milk and saffron in a medium bowl and let steep, stirring a few times, for 2 minutes. Add yogurt, sugar and cardamom; whisk until smooth.

Step 7
Serve the warm tartlets topped with a dollop of the saffron yogurt and pomegranate seeds.

To make ahead: Refrigerate stuffed pastry (Steps 2-4) for up to 1 day; bake for 45 minutes.

Equipment: Muffin tin with 12 (1/2-cup) cups



1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 small onion, finely diced
1 celery stalk, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 cups diced plum tomatoes
1 cup fish or seafood stock or bottled clam juice (see Tips)
1/2 teaspoon saffron threads (see Note)
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
4 pounds mussels, cleaned (see Tips)
½ cup heavy cream
1/2 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley for garnish

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Step 1
Heat oil in a Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onion, celery and garlic and cook, stirring often, until just starting to brown, 30 seconds to 4 minutes.

Step 2
Add tomatoes, stock (or clam juice), saffron, salt and pepper; bring to a boil over high heat. Stir in mussels. Cover and cook just until the mussels have opened, 4 to 6 minutes. Remove from the heat (discard any unopened mussels). Stir in cream and sprinkle with parsley, if using. Serve with the sauce from the pan.

Tips: Bottled clam juice can be very high in sodium. We like Bar Harbor brand, which has 120 mg sodium per 2-ounce serving. Look for it in the canned-fish section or the seafood department of your supermarket.

When shopping for mussels, look for ones that are closed–or those open only a fraction of an inch. When you get them home, store them in a large bowl with a few damp paper towels on top for up to 1 day. To clean them, discard mussels with broken shells or whose shell remains open after you tap it. Hold mussels under running water and use a stiff brush to remove any barnacles; pull off any black fibrous “beards”. (Some mussels may not have a beard.) Mussels should be “debearded” no more than 30 minutes before cooking.




2 ½ cups water
1 teaspoon salt, divided
1/4-1/2 teaspoon saffron threads, (see Ingredient Note)
1 cup long-grain brown rice
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 medium yellow summer squash, quartered lengthwise and cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices
1 pound raw shrimp, (21-25 per pound), peeled and deveined
⅓ cup tightly packed fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Freshly ground pepper, to taste


Step 1
Bring water, 1/2 teaspoon salt and saffron to taste to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add rice, return to a boil, cover and reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Cook until the water is absorbed and the rice is tender, 40 to 45 minutes. Fluff with a fork.

Step 2
About 10 minutes before the rice is done, heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add squash and cook, stirring occasionally, until just tender (do not brown), 5 to 7 minutes. Stir in shrimp and cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Stir in mint and cook for 30 seconds. Stir in lemon juice; remove from heat. Season with the remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper. Serve over the rice.



yield, roughly 2 pints jam

2lbs apricots (weight after removing the pits)

18oz sugar ( I used vanilla sugar, but it’s not necessary)

juice of 1 lemon

pinch of saffron threads

1t-1T rose water, depending on your taste


1. Dump the pitted apricots and sugar into your canning pot and mash with a potato masher or fork, or your hands. Don’t worry about making the pieces uniform in size.

2. In a small mortar and pestle combine the saffron threads with a pinch of sugar and grind. The abrasive quality of the sugar will help to break up the saffron. Set this to the side and get jamming.

3. Over medium high heat, bring the apricots and sugar to a boil. The jam will cook very quickly, so stir constantly with a rubber spatula to avoid scorching the bottom.

4. After about 10 minutes, check the jam for doneness. It should be thick and will spatter, so watch your hands!

5. When done, take the pan off of the heat and stir in the saffron sugar mixture, rose water and lemon juice. Pour into sterilized jars and process in a hot water bath for 10 min.



  • A small pinch of saffron
  • 150ml/5fl oz. double cream
  • 150ml/5fl oz. white wine
  • 50ml/2fl oz. cup water
  • 50g/2oz. butter


  1. Fill a jug or glass with 50ml/2fl oz. of water, and add a pinch of saffron to the water. The water will quickly turn golden yellow from the saffron.
  2. Add the white wine to a pan and simmer over a medium heat. Reduce the white wine down to a tablespoon or too.
  3. Melt the butter in the pan, this adds a glossiness to the sauce.
  4. Add the double cream, a small pinch of salt and the saffron infused water to the pan – by now the water should be a golden yellow. .Make sure to include all of those expensive saffron threads, they still are flavour (and colour) packed!
  5. Simmer over medium heat and stir until the sauce thickens and goes a stunning yellow, it will initially be quite a pale yellow, but as it heats it will intensify. Use the colour to determine when the sauce is ready.
  6. Enjoy. This sauce makes a luxurious accompaniment to many dishes



2 Portions

Select all ingredients
2 fish, of 300 gc / u
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 cups white wine
1 teaspoon saffron
1 cup whipping cream
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground pepper
150 grams sausage, of soy
1 cup butter, at room temperature


For fish with saffron sauce: melt butter in a 25 cm pan. in diameter, at medium temperature, and incorporates finely chopped garlic . Buy it for 1 minute. Incorporates white wine and reduces ¾ parts. Add the whipping cream, mix perfectly, and then add the saffron and salt. Cook for 5 minutes.
Cut the chorizo ​​de soya into thin slices. Heat a 15 cm pan. in diameter, at high temperature, and fry the chorizo ​​without fat until it is well browned. Remove the golden sausage and reserve.
In a pan of 30 cm. in diameter heats oil at medium temperature. Season the fish fillets and fry them in the pan, until they are well browned and cooked. Remove the steaks from the pan and reserve.

In an extended dish, put a little sauce as a mirror, place the fillet and decorate with soy chorizo ​​flakes.



3 tablespoons coconut oil
6 large carrots, chopped
1 tablespoon fresh carrot greens, roughly chopped
2 shallots, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 teaspoon minced ginger
3 pinches saffron threads
2 cups vegetable stock
2 cups water
1 bay leaf
Salt and pepper, to tast


Heat the pot over medium heat then add coconut oil.
Add in the shallots and carrots. Stir until they soften, about 10 minutes.
Add garlic, salt and pepper. Stir for a couple of minutes before adding the vegetable stock, water, ginger, saffron, bay leaf and carrot greens. Raise the heat to medium-high and bring the mixture to a boil.
Once the soup is boiling, adjust the heat to low, cover the pot and let it simmer for 25 minutes.
Turn heat off, remove the bay leaf from the mixture and pour it into a blender to puree the soup.



5-6 Saffron Strands ( Preferably Pure Kashmir Saffron Strands )

1 Cup Milk

Sugar as per taste

2-3 Cardamom

3-4 Crushed Almond

1-2 Crushed Pistachio

Recipe :-

Step 1 – Pour Milk in Saucepan and bring it to boil.

Step 2 – Add Saffron Strands , Sugar , Cardamom , Crushed Almonds and let it boil on Simmer mode for another 3- 5 minutes until the color changes from white to golden yellow / orange shade .

Step 3 – Pour the milk in Glass add some crushed pistachios and Serve Warm during night time and or in Morning Time during Pregnancy .




Ingredient Checklist
1 ½ cups milk
1 cup butter
1 cup white sugar
2 teaspoons saffron
½ cup hot water
2 (.25 ounce) packages active dry yeast
2 large eggs eggs
2 teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons grated lemon zest
6 cups all-purpose flour

DirectionsInstructions Checklist

Step 1
Heat the milk in a small saucepan until it bubbles, then remove from heat; add butter, sugar and stir until melted. Let cool until lukewarm. In a small bowl, soak the saffron in the hot water, let cool until lukewarm, drain and reserve the liquid.

Step 2
In a large mixing bowl, combine the milk mixture with the reserved saffron water and eggs. Add the yeast and stir to dissolve. Add the salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon zest and 4 cups of the flour; mix well. Add the remaining flour, 1/2 cup at a time, stirring well after each addition. When the dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes.

Step 3
Lightly oil a large mixing, place the dough in the bowl and turn to coat with oil. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 1 hour.

Step 4
Deflate the dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide the dough into three equal pieces, form into 14 inch long ‘ropes’. Braid the ‘ropes’ together and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise until doubled in volume, about 40 minutes.

Step 5
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

Step 6
Bake at 350 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes or until golden brown and the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow when tapped. Remove to a wire rack and cool.



  • 1 gram (about half the contents of a bag housed in one .06-ounce spice jar) saffron threads, crumbled

  • 1 tablespoon vodka

  • 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter

  • 2 1/2 cups whole milk

  • 2 1/4 teaspoons (1/4-ounce packet) active dry yeast

  • 1 cup quark (a soft fresh cheese; may substitute 1 cup of small-curd cottage cheese, whipped smooth and drained in cheesecloth for several hours)

  • 3/4 cup sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 5 1/2 to 6 cups flour, plus more for the work surface

  • Vegetable oil, for the proofing bowl

  • 6 ounces (3/4 cup) store-bought or homemade almond paste

  • 4 to 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, at a cool room temperature

  • 4 to 6 tablespoons sliced almonds

  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup golden raisins

  • 1 egg, slightly beaten



For the dough: Combine the crumbled saffron threads and vodka in a small bowl, stirring to mix well. Let sit for 5 minutes.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Add the milk and stir to combine until just warmed through; the mixture’s temperature should register 120 to 130 degrees.

Place the yeast in a large bowl, then pour the butter-milk mixture over it and stir to combine.

Add the saffron-vodka mixture, the quark, sugar, salt and 5 cups of the flour; use a wooden spoon or sturdy spatula to combine. Add the remaining flour as needed until a very soft dough forms; it should be shiny and elastic.

Use vegetable oil to lightly grease the inside of a separate large bowl; transfer the dough to the oiled bowl, then cover the bowl with a clean, dry dish towel and let it sit for about 1 hour (preferably in a warm place) or until the dough has doubled in size.

Meanwhile, make the filling: Combine the almond paste and 4 tablespoons of the butter in a small bowl until well incorporated; add butter as needed to make sure the mixture is smooth. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Lightly flour a work surface. Transfer the dough to the work surface, punching it down slightly and shaping it into a large mass. (At this point, if the dough is still too loose, add flour as needed but remember that the dough is supposed to be soft and somewhat spongy.)

Divide the dough into 24 equal portions. Either spray the insides of two 12-well muffin pans with nonstick cooking oil spray and place a portion of dough into each well, or line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper.

Use your finger to poke a hole in the top of each portion of dough, then insert a good-size pinch (about 3/4 tablespoon) of the almond paste mixture. Cover over completely with the dough so the insert is not exposed.

If using baking sheets, shape each filled portion of dough so that it is smooth and rounded on the top. Place the mounds of dough 2 inches apart on the lined sheets.

Cover each muffin tin or baking sheet with a clean, dry dish towel and let the dough rise for 30 to 45 minutes.

For the garnishes: Combine the almonds and raisins in a small bowl.

When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Brush the tops of the buns with the beaten egg, then sprinkle with the almond-raisin mixture. Bake 1 sheet at a time for 14 to 16 minutes or until the raisins are dark and the buns are golden brown on top.

Serve warm or at room temperature.

As originally found on: https://www.washingtonpost.com/recipes/saffron-buns/10438/?utm_term=.e7bc2d0b0acb



  • 4 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons rosewater
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom, ground
  • 1/4 teaspoon Saffron, ground into powder plus 2 teaspoons hot water
  • 2 teaspoons pure maple syrup


  • 1 apple, cored and diced
  • 1 teaspoon coconut sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, ground
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom, ground
  • 1 tablespoon lemon/lime juice



  1. Combine the chia seeds with water, coconut milk, rosewater, and cardamom, stir few times and let it gel.
  2. Mix saffron with hot water in a small cup until dissolved. Pour onto the chia pudding and stir to evenly distribute. Then add in the maple syrup.


  1. As the chia pudding thickens, add the diced apple to a small pot over medium heat, pour a splash of water, cover and let it cook for 5 minutes or so until tender. Season with coconut sugar, cinnamon, and cardamom, stir and let it cook for 5 more minutes. Remove from heat and drizzle with lemon juice.
  2. Layer the chia pudding with apple compote, sprinkle with pistachios if desired.



  • MA Saffron – 1 pinch
  • 1 Mango – Cold, peeled and sliced
  • 2 Passionfruit Flesh
  • 1/2 cup of Orange Juice
  • Add some Mint or Basil to top!


  1. Place ingredients in a blender – run for 1 minute until smooth.
  2. Pour into glass and garnish

This recipe originally comes from our friends at mum’s pantry. However we have changed it to include our signature ingredient, Saffron, making it that much better. 




  • 1 organic orange, cut into slices
  • 400ml green tea
  • 100g raw honey
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 star anise
  • Pinch of saffron
  • 4 pears (Conference or Abate), peeled
  • 200g skyr
  • 60g chopped walnuts
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds


  1. Put the green tea, orange slices, cinnamon stick, star anise, honey and saffron in a large saucepan and heat over medium heat.
  2. Once the liquid has started to boil, reduce the heat and place the peeled pears into the saucepan. Depending on the size of your pears poach the fruit for 15 – 20 minutes, turning every so often so that the pears take on an even color from the saffron. Once the pears have softened, remove from the heat and allow to cool and steep. Overnight steeping is recommended as the pears really take on a lovely flavor from the poaching liquid.
  3. Divide the skyr into 4 bowls, scatter with walnuts and chia seeds then place a pear on top. Drizzle a tablespoon or more of the poaching honey saffron liquid over the pear and the skyr.

If you want to sweeten the skyr add a tablespoon of honey and mix before plating. 
Other spices work well with this dessert too. Try cardamom or cloves. 
Grated dark chocolate adds another gorgeous and decadent level to the dessert.



  • 6 cups water, + extra for saffron
  • 3-1/2 cups superfine sugar
  • 2 cups lemon juice
  • 2 quarts ice cubes
  • saffron threads
  • 8 oz. Vodka may be added to make this an alcoholic drink


In small stock pot, bring the water to a full boil. Set aside.

In a sauce pan, melt the sugar without any water over high heat. It’s important to carefully watch the sugar; as soon as the edges of the pan start caramelizing, immediately lower the heat to medium-low. Gently move the saucepan in circles. Do not stir. Lower the heat to the lowest setting when there are only a few remaining non-caramelized pieces. You want a very light amber color.

When all the sugar is an amber color, remove from the heat, let sit for a minute (be careful of splattering when the water is added), then slowly add the boiling water. Simmer the liquid until all the caramel is dissolved.

In a mortar and pestle, grind 3/4 teaspoon of saffron threads into a fine powder. Add the saffron to the sweetened liquid. Add about 1/2 cup of water into the mortar and pestle to gather the possible remaining of saffron powder. (Saffron is quite pricey, don’t waste it!). Pour the saffron liquid to the sweetened liquid. Let it cool completely. Add the lemon juice. Garnish with the remaining saffron threads. Stir well.



1/4 cup warm water
2 1/4 teaspoons (1 package) yeast
1/4 teaspoon saffron threads
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup (1 3/4 ounces) sugar
3 tablespoons (1-1/2 ounces) butter
1-1/4 teaspoons salt
2 large eggs + 1 egg yolk
3 cups (12-3/4 ounces) All Purpose Flour
You may need an extra 1/2 to 1 cup flour
(optional)1 cup Raisins or currants , soaked in water or brandy till plump and soft and drain.

1 egg white
1 tablespoon water


-Place the saffron threads in a mortar or a heavy glass bowl

-Crush the saffron with a pestal or a similar object. A metal ladel works well.

-Soak the saffron in warm water.

-Gather your ingredients. I like to weigh out the flour. Not shown is the 3rd egg. I separate that and put the yolk in with the mix and the white I reserve for the glaze.

-Warm the milk slightly to room temperature. Do NOT get too hot or it will kill the yeast. Let this sit while you are gathering the rest of your ingredients to start to work. You will know your yeast is good also. I don’t let yeast hang around very long. I would rather buy less and often.

-Pour the yeast mix and the saffron into a large mixing bowl. Add the sugar, salt butter and egg and whisk together.

-Add the flour a little at a time whisking in and then change to a heavy spoon or hands. You can also use a Mixer if you have a paddle attachment. If you are adding raisins add them when about half of the flour is added.

-If the dough is sticky add some extra flour a bit at a time till you have a smooth round. Cover with a towel and keep in a warm environment. an oven that has been warmed slightly and a pan of hot water on the bottom works well if you have a drafty kitchen.

-Wait 30 minutes to an hour for it to double in size.
Punch down and divide into 2 loaves

-Put the loaves on a sheet pan leaving lots of space for it to double in size. Pre-Heat Oven to 350 degrees F

-I docked one loaf with a very sharp knife. This is a tradition that means different things from a religious cross to an escape valve for evil spirits to fly out.

-Brush the loaves well with the egg white glaze.
Bake on the middle rack for 15 minutes and check to see if the loaf got well glazed. If there is a dull area that didn’t get glazed brush it again then return to the oven and bake another 15 min.
The bottom of the loaf should be nicely browned and leave a hollow sound when tapped.

-This bread has a beautiful golden texture. It is great served in the morning with butter or afternoon with coffee.



20thThreadsSaffron threads
(or 4 pinches of ground saffron)


1-Coarsely grind the saffron threads with your hands. Fill the champagne flutes with the champagne and sprinkle a lightly heaped pinch of saffron into each glass.
2-Let it steep for about 30 seconds and enjoy.
3-Is ideal as an aperitif and works particularly well if the champagne is fruity and has noticeable residual sweetness.



1vanilla pod
1Pinchsaffron threads
500gcurd cheese
6Tbspmaple syrup
1organic orange


1-Put the saffron threads onto a saucer and briefly heat in the oven, then coarsely grind in a mortar.
2-Slice the vanilla pod lengthways and heat in the milk until not quite boiling. Add the ground saffron, cover and leave to soak.
3-In the meantime, whisk the cream into stiff peaks. Wash the lemon under hot water, dry and grate the zest.
4-Pour the quark into a large bowl and add the sieved saffron-vanilla-milk. Then add maple syrup and lemon zest and whisk in a food processor until creamy.
5-Carefully fold in the whisked cream and possibly let it cool in the refrigerator.
6-Then, fill dessert glasses. Peel and cut the orange into segments and scatter over the cream.
7-If desired, garnish with grated almonds or chopped pistachios and lemon thyme.



250gGorgonzola dolce
150gcrème fraîche
1tspcorn flour
2Tbsplemon juice
1/2tspsaffron threads
Pepper(freshly ground)


1-Remove the rind from the Gorgonzola and dice. Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Add the cheese and completely melt on a low heat.
2-Mix the crème fraîche, gin, lemon juice, saffron threads and corn flour and stir into the Gorgonzola. Whisk until all ingredients have bonded.
3-Season to taste with salt and pepper and whisking continuously bring to the boil briefly.
4-Goes well with pasta and thin, non-breaded, veal escallops.



300grisotto rice
1lvegetable stock
100ggrated parmesan
0.1gsaffron threads
Pepper(to taste)
100mlCrémant(for deglazing)
Green asparagus(as desired)
Shrimpas (desired)


1-First, soften the saffron threads in warm water to develop their taste and colour.
2-Peel the shrimps, clean and devein (unmistakably located on the back) and make roughly 1 – 1.5 centimetre incisions into the head ends; so they are shown off to their full effect later on through the heat of cooking.
3-Grate the Parmesan. Please note: the finer it is grated, the more intense the flavour is.
4-Halve the asparagus and wash the rice under cold water, so that it does not stick when boiling.
5-Finely dice the onion and add to cold fat, oil or butter to sweat. This helps to monitor when they are just done.
6-Once the diced onions are golden in colour, add the rice and briefly fry. Continuous stirring right from the beginning is necessary to avoid the rice from sticking or clumping.
7-After briefly sautéing, deglaze the rice. Behnck uses Crémant here, but wine, Prosecco, water or vegetable stock are suitable as well.
8-Then add the stock to cover the rice by a finger’s breadth. As soon as all liquid has been absorbed by the rice, add more stock and repeat until all stock is used up whilst keeping it at a medium heat. In the end add the saffron and gently stir in the risotto.
9-Finally, add the raw shrimps and green asparagus to the risotto and cook for 10 minutes. Turn the heat off for this to stop the risotto from overcooking.
10-The existing heat is enough to gently cook the asparagus and the sea food in the risotto. Shortly before serving, fold in the cream and Parmesan and briefly reheat. Season with a little freshly milled white pepper – and it’s finished.
11-The appetizers can now be served.

-Due to the risotto rice’s starch content it has the ability to go creamy on the outside but al dente on the inside – which is why it needs to move about throughout the whole process.

-Expert’s wine tip: you absolutely must enjoy the same Crémant, wine or Prosecco, used for deglazing, with this risotto. That way, the harmony stays intact.



300tsprisotto rice
1onion(red, small)
1l vegetable stock
200ml cream
100g parmesan(grated)
1Pinch salt
0.1g saffron threads
Pepper(to taste)
100mlcrémant(for deglazing)


1-Soak the saffron threads in lukewarm water to allow the color and flavour to develop.
2-Grate the parmesan. Note: the finer, the more intense the flavour.
3-Dice the onions and simmer on medium heat in oil or butter. Note: add the onions to the cold pan to avoid overcooking.
4-Once the onions are golden brown, add the rice and briefly roast.
5-Rissotto rice has a hight starch content, allowing it to be creamy on the outside while firm to the bite on the inside, because of this it need to remain in constant motion throughout the cooking process.
6-After briefly roasting the rice, it is deglazed, Chef Behnck uses Crémant, but wine, prosecco, water or vegetable stock are also acceptable substitutes.
7-Finally, the stock is added so that is covers the rice by a finger width. Once the rice absorbs all the liquid, more stock is added, repeating this process until the stock is used up.
8-In the end the dissolved saffron is added and slowly combined with the risotto. Turn off the heat while stirring in the saffron to avoid overcooking the rice.
9-Right before serving, mix in the parmesan and cream and briefly heat up again. Add some freshly ground pepper and serve.

Enjoy the risotto with a class of crémant, wine or prosecco – whatever you used for the deglazing. This will make the flavours blend nicely.



  • 1 teaspoon saffron threads
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 2 pounds mussels, preferably prince edward island, scrubbed and debearded
  • onion, finely chopped
  • 3 sprigs italian parsley
  • 1 sprig thyme
  • bay leaf
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


1-In a small cup, dissolve the saffron in 1/4 cup of the wine.

2-In a 10-to 12-inch sauté pan, combine the mussels, onion, parsley, thyme, bay leaf, pepper, the remaining ¾ cup wine, the water, saffron mixture, and olive oil and bring to a boil over high heat. Cover and cook, shaking the pan occasionally, until all the mussels have opened. Remove from the heat and, using tongs, transfer the mussels to a bowl. Reserve the cooking liquid.

3-Once the mussels are cool enough to handle, place the mussels in the shell in another bowl and then in the refrigerator to chill, reserving the juices from the bowl.

4-Strain the mussel juices and the cooking liquid into another pan, bring to a boil over high heat, and reduce by two thirds.

5-Divide the mussels among eight serving bowls, drizzle the broth over, and serve.



4 pears – make sure they are firm
2 heaped tablespoons of honey
The juice from a lemon
250 mils of water
1 stick of cinnamon
2 cloves
Quarter of a teaspoon of saffron


First peel the pears and leave the stalks intact. Put the honey and lemon juice in a heavy bottomed pan into which the pears will fit. Place over a moderate heat. Stir until the honey has melted. Add the water and cinnamon. Stir until the liquid comes to the boil and then turn down the heat and leave to simmer for five minutes. Then add the pears to the liquid and simmer for 20 minutes, turning carefully halfway through and basting the pears regularly with the sauce. Leave the pears to cool in the syrup. Then serve and enjoy.



1/3 cup (1 dl) whipping cream
1/16 teaspoon (0.5 g) saffron threads
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 3/4 cups (4 dl) all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 3/4 sticks or 7 oz (200 g) butter at room temperature
1 cup (3 dl) sugar
3 large eggs, room temperature
1 cup (2 1/2 dl ) golden raisins
1 apple, washed, cored and thinly sliced

Confectioners’ sugar for dusting
Whipped cream for serving

Preheat the oven to 350 F / 175 C
Butter a 10-inch (25 cm) cake pan with removable sides

1. In a small bowl stir together, cream, saffron and vanilla. *Allow to sit for at least an hour before using. (The longer, the better, as you want to bring out the luxurious flavor of saffron before combining it with the other cake ingredients.)
2. In a second small bowl, mix together flour and baking powder.
3. Fit a large mixing bowl to the base of a stand mixer. Use the paddle attachment to whip butter and sugar together until frothy.
4. Keep paddle attachment connected. Break one egg into butter mixture and mix until well blended. Continue to add one egg at time and blend hard after each addition.
5. Turn mixer to slow speed and slowly add flour.
6. Pour in cream and toss in raisins. Mix until combined.
7. Spoon batter into buttered cake pan and spread evenly.
8. Decoratively press apples into top of batter leaving slices exposed so that pattern appears when baked.
9. Bake in middle of pre-heated oven for 50 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted near the center comes out clean.
10. Cool on rack then remove sides of pan. Dust with confectioners’ sugar just before serving.

Serve with whipped cream.




200g flour
150g sugar
100g butter
1 Tbspmilk
150g almonds with skin
1/2tsp saffron threads
2 organic lemons
50g pine nuts
1Pinch salt
Butter (to grease the pa)
Icing sugar
Peaches or ice cream (to serve)


1-Preheat the oven to 180° C.
2-Knead the flour, 50 g of sugar, the butter, one egg and the milk together to form a dough and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.
3-Separate the remaining eggs and beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form stiff peaks.
4-Grate the zest of the 2 lemons. Beat the egg yolks with 100 g of sugar until foamy, then add the almonds, saffron and lemon zest.
5-Grease a springform baking tin and line with the dough. Spread the almond mixture evenly on the dough and sprinkle over the pine nuts.
6-Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 20 minutes. Leave to cool on a cooling rack.
7-Dust with icing sugar and serve. Garnish to taste with peaches or orange slices.



500g mixed greens
150g creamy yoghurt (10% fat)
1 1/2 pears
4Tbsp rapeseed oil
1Tbsp white wine vinegar
1organic lemon
1Pinch saffron threads
1Pinch salt
Pepper (freshly ground)


1-Wash the salad leaves and tear into bite-sized pieces. Wash the pears, remove the core and peel if preferred. Thinly slice one pear and grate the other half.
2-For the dressing, wash the organic lemon under hot water and grate the zest. Juice the lemon and then thoroughly mix 1 table spoon of the juice with 1 tea spoon of the zest, yoghurt, saffron, curry powder, the grated half of pear, vinegar, salt and pepper. Then stir in the rapeseed oil.
3-Mix the salad leafs with the fennel and slices of pear and serve sprinkled with the dressing.

– Serve with grilled goat’s cheese baguette. For this, brush the slices of baguette with olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper and thyme.



1/2g saffron threads
200g sugar
200g butter
1organic orange
150ml milk
70g raisins
250g wheat flour
1Pinch salt
Breadcrumbs (to dust the pan)


1-Preheat the oven to 175° C (upper / lower heat).
2-Soak the saffron threads in 2 tbsp. of hot water. Melt the butter in a small sauce pan. Wash the orange under hot water, dry and grate the rind.
3-Whisk eggs and sugar with a hand mixer until fluffy. Stir in the melted butter, the saffron including its stock, the zest and the milk bit by bit.
4-Mix the raisins, flour, baking powder and salt and stir into the dough bit by bit.
5-Grease a ring formed cake tin (1.5l) with butter and cover with breadcrumbs. Shake off any excess bread crumbs.
6-Pour the dough into the tin and put into the oven on the lower shelf for about 45 minutes.
7-After baking, leave the cake to cool in the tin for a few minutes, and then turn out onto a cooling rack and leave to cool completely.

Sprinkle with icing sugar just before serving.




2 tablespoons milk

½ teaspoon saffron threads, crushed

¾ cup butter, softened

3 ounces cream cheese, softened

¾ cup packed brown sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon orange zest

2 cups all-purpose flour


Step 1
In a microwave-safe custard cup or small bowl, combine milk and saffron. Microwave on high (100% power) for 30 seconds or until slightly warm; set aside. Meanwhile, in a large mixing bowl, beat butter and cream cheese with an electric mixer on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add brown sugar, vanilla, orange zest and saffron mixture. Beat until combined, scraping sides of bowl occasionally. Beat in as much of the flour as you can with the mixer. Stir in any remaining flour with a wooden spoon.

Step 2
Chill, covered, about 1 hour or until dough is easy to handle.

Step 3
Shape dough into 1-inch balls. Place balls 1-inch apart on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Flatten each ball to a 1/4- to 1/2-inch thickness, using a cookie stamp, the bottom of a decorative glass or the tines of a fork to imprint a pattern. (Dip stamp, glass or fork in granulated sugar to prevent sticking.)

Step 4
Bake in a 350° oven for 9 to 11 minutes or until edges are firm and bottoms are lightly browned. Transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool.




Für 4 Portionen
120 g Kastenweißbrot
1 Pk. gemahlener Safran, (0,1 g)
120 ml Schlagsahne
500 g Hackfleisch, gemischt
2 Eier, (Kl. M)
300 g Staudensellerie
350 g Möhren, mitteldick
1 Schalotte
3 große Bio-Orangen
Öl, zum Bearbeiten
2 El Öl
3 Tl Zucker
2 Lorbeerblätter
1.5 Dosen Tomaten, stückig, (600 g)
8 Stiele glatte Petersilie


Weißbrot entrinden und im Mixer fein zerkleinern. Brösel und Safran in einer flachen Schale mischen. Sahne erwärmen, über die Safranbrösel geben und 10 Minuten ziehen lassen.
Hack, Eier und eingeweichte Safranbrösel in eine Schüssel geben. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen und zu einer glatten Masse verkneten. Abgedeckt 20 Minuten ruhen lassen.
Sellerie putzen, dabei entfädeln. Möhren schälen und der Länge nach halbieren. Möhren und Sellerie in 1/2 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden. Schalotte fein würfeln. Eine Orange heiß waschen, trocken reiben und 2 Tl Schale in kurzen Zesten abziehen und beiseite stellen. 2 Orangen so schälen, dass die weiße Haut vollständig entfernt wird. Filets zwischen den Trennhäuten herausschneiden, Saft dabei auffangen. Filets beiseite stellen. Übrige Orange auspressen, mit dem aufgefangenen Saft auf 150 ml auffüllen.
Hackmasse mit geölten Händen zu 24 Bällchen formen. Öl in einem weiten Topf erhitzen, Bällchen darin in 2 Portionen bei mittlerer bis starker Hitze auf beiden Seiten 2 Minuten anbraten. Herausheben. Schalotten im Bratfett glasig braten, Sellerie und Möhren 3 Minuten mitbraten. 2 Tl Zucker darüberstreuen, schmelzen lassen. Orangensaft zugeben und 2 Minuten kochen lassen.
Lorbeerblätter mehrfach einschneiden und mit den Tomaten zu den Sellerie-Möhren geben. Aufkochen, salzen und pfeffern. Hackbällchen vorsichtig untermischen und zugedeckt bei milder Hitze 25 Minuten kochen lassen.
Für die Gremolata Petersilienblättchen abzupfen und grob hacken. Orangenzesten zugeben und mittelfein hacken. Orangenfilets unter den Tomatensugo heben und erhitzen. Mit Salz, Pfeffer und evtl. Zucker abschmecken. Mit Gremolata anrichten.
Tipp: Dazu passt frischer, spritziger Prosecco von guter Qualität – ein toller Begleiter zu den feinen, fruchtigen Bällchen.



Für 4 Portionen
1 Blumenkohl, 1-1,2 kg
350 g Möhren, feine
250 g Staudensellerie
2 Nektarinen, ersatzweise Pfirsiche
1 Döschen Safran, 0,1 g
100 ml Weißwein
150 ml Orangensaft, frisch gepresst
30 ml Weißweinessig
3 Lorbeerblätter, kleine
2 Zimtstangen
2 Sternanis
2 El Olivenöl
20 g Mandelkerne, mit Haut
10 g Berberitzen
10 g Rauke
400 g Wassermelone


Blumenkohl putzen, waschen und in 6-8 Stücke teilen. Möhren putzen und schälen. Staudensellerie putzen, waschen und entfädeln. Nektarinen waschen, trocken reiben, achteln und entsteinen. 6 El lauwarmes Wasser in eine kleine Schüssel geben, Safran mit den Fingerspitzen hineinreiben und verrühren.

In einem Topf Wein, Orangensaft, Essig, Lorbeer, Zimt und Sternanis 1-mal aufkochen, mit Salz würzen. Warm halten. 2 El Öl in einem Bräter erhitzen, Blumenkohl darin bei mittlerer bis starker Hitze 2 Minuten rundum anbraten, bis er dunkelbraune Stellen bekommt. Möhren und Sellerie zugeben und 1 Minute mitbraten. Mit Salz würzen, mit dem heißen Orangenfond auffüllen und zugedeckt im vorgeheizten Backofen bei 220 Grad (Gas 3-4, Umluft nicht empfehlenswert) auf der 2. Schiene von unten 15 Minuten garen. Bräter aus dem Ofen nehmen, Nektarinen zwischen das Gemüse legen. Offen bei 180 Grad (Gas 2-3, Umluft nicht empfehlenswert) weitere 20 Minuten garen. Dann das Safranwasser leicht verrühren, auf Gemüse und Nektarinen verteilen und weitere 10-12 Minuten garen (Stichprobe machen).

Inzwischen Mandeln in einer Pfanne ohne Fett kurz rösten. Mandeln in einen Blitzhacker geben, fein hacken und in einer Schüssel mit den Berberitzen mischen. Rauke putzen, waschen, trocken schleudern und mittelfein schneiden. Melonenfruchtfleisch von der Schale schneiden, Kerne nach Belieben entfernen. Fruchtfleisch in mundgerechte Stücke schneiden.

Gemüse aus dem Ofen nehmen, mit Salz, Pfeffer sowie etwas Mandel-Berberitzen-Mischung bestreuen und vorsichtig mischen. Melone und Rauke auf dem Gemüse verteilen, mit restlicher Mandel-Berberitzen-Mischung bestreuen.



Für 4 Portionen
0.1 g Safranfäden
70 g Schalotten
1.2 l Geflügelfond
30 g Butter
280 g Risaottoreis, (z.B. Carnaroli oder Vialone Nano)
150 ml Weißwein
10 g Parmesan, (fein gerieben)


1-Safranfäden zwischen den Fingerspitzen leicht zerreiben und in 50 ml lauwarmem Wasser einweichen. Schalotten fein würfeln. Fond in einem Topf aufkochen.
2-   20 g Butter in einem Topf erhitzen, Schalotten darin bei mittlerer Hitze glasig dünsten. Reis zugeben und kurz mitdünsten. Mit Wein ablöschen und stark einkochen. Mit so viel kochendem Fond aufgießen, dass der Reis knapp bedeckt ist. Offen 15-17 Minuten garen. Nach und nach den restlichen heißen Fond zugeben, dabei stets rühren oder schwenken. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. 10 Minuten vor Ende der Garzeit Safran und -wasser zugeben. Zum Schluss restliche Butter und Parmesan unterrühren, Risotto beiseite 2 Minuten ruhen lassen. Zum Ossobuco (siehe Rezept Ossobuco mit Gremolata) servieren.



Für 6 Gläser
Für 6 Gläser à 300 ml
2 Orangen
80 g Zucker
1 Döschen Safranfäden, 0,1 g
60 ml Apfelessig
1 Spritzer Orangenblütenwasser
Mineralwasser, mit Kohlensäure, zum Auffüllen


1-Orangen so schälen, dass die weiße Haut vollständig entfernt wird. Das Fruchtfleisch in kleine Stücke schneiden.

2-Orangen mit Zucker und Safran in einen Shaker oder ein verschließbares Gefäß geben, mit einem Stößel zerstoßen. Essig und Orangenblütenwasser zugeben, Shaker verschließen und schütteln, bis sich der Zucker aufgelöst hat.

3-Die Essig-Frucht-Mischung (Shrub) durch ein Sieb in eine Kanne oder einen Messbecher gießen, auf Longdrinkgläser verteilen, mit Mineralwasser und Eiswürfeln auffüllen.



1 kg Miesmuscheln
200 g Möhren
3 Stangen Staudensellerie
1 Schalotte
4 Stiele Dill
4 Stiele glatte Petersilie
1 Lorbeerblatt
450 ml Weißwein
1 kleine Stange Porree, ca. 150 g
2 Tomaten
1 El Olivenöl
250 ml Schlagsahne
1 Döschen Safranfäden, 0,1 g
3 El Wermut
2 Tl Zitronensaft
2 Tl Speisestärke


1- Porree putzen, längs aufschlitzen, gründlich waschen und fein schneiden. 1 Tomate in grobe Stücke schneiden. Olivenöl in einem Topf erhitzen und restliche Möhren und Staudensellerie darin bei mittlerer Hitze 3-4 Minuten dünsten. Tomate zugeben und kurz mitdünsten. Mit dem restlichen Weißwein und Muschelsud auffüllen. 15 Minuten offen bei milder Hitze kochen, dann Sahne zugeben und weitere 15 Minuten garen. Safran in 3-4 El lauwarmem Wasser einweichen. Übrige Tomate kurz in heißes Wasser geben, in kaltem Wasser abschrecken, häuten, vierteln, entkernen. Viertel quer in schmale Streifen schneiden.
2-Suppe in einen Küchenmixer geben und sehr fein mixen. Dann die Suppe durch ein feines Küchensieb in einen Topf gießen, dabei mit einer Suppenkelle das gemixte Gemüse so weit wie möglich durch das Sieb drücken. Safran mit Flüssigkeit in die Suppe geben. Suppe nochmals 5 Minuten bei milder Hitze kochen. Mit Salz, Pfeffer, Zitronensaft und Wermut abschmecken. Stärke mit 2 El kaltem Wasser verrühren und die Suppe damit binden. Muschelfleisch in tiefe Teller verteilen und mit Suppe auffüllen. Mit Selleriegrün und Tomatenstreifen garnieren und sofort servieren.
3-Die Muscheln unter fließendem kaltem Wasser waschen und entbarten. Geöffnete und beschädigte Muscheln wegwerfen. Möhren schälen und in ca. 1/2 cm große Würfel schneiden. Vom Staudensellerie das Grün abschneiden und mit feuchtem Küchenpapier abdecken. Staudensellerie entfädeln und in ca. 1/2 cm große Würfel schneiden. Schalotte würfeln.
4-Die Hälfte der Möhren und des gewürfelten Staudenselleries mit den Schalotten, Dill, Petersilie, Lorbeerblatt und 250 ml Weißwein in einen großen Topf geben. Alles aufkochen lassen, dann die Muscheln zugeben und zugedeckt bei starker Hitze 4-5 Minuten kochen, bis sie sich geöffnet haben. Den Topf zwischendurch rütteln. Die Muscheln in ein Sieb geben, abtropfen lassen, dabei den Sud auffangen. Geschlossene Muscheln wegwerfen. Aus den geöffneten Muscheln das Fleisch auslösen und mit einem feuchten Tuch abdecken. Muschelsud durch ein feines Mulltuch gießen und 400 ml abmessen. Muschelsud beiseitestellen.



2 sea bass fillets, about 175g/6oz each
a little softened butter
2 rounded tbsp toasted flaked almonds
1 shallot , finely chopped
150ml/¼ pint fresh fish stock (from a carton)
small pinch saffron strands
3 tbsp crème fraîche


Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Season the fish and spread a little butter over the flesh side of each. Put in a shallow, buttered, ovenproof dish and sprinkle with the flaked almonds, lightly pressing them on. Bake for 12-15 mins until the flesh flakes easily.

Meanwhile, make the sauce. Gently fry the shallot with a small knob of butter in a small pan. Add the stock and saffron, bring to the boil, then boil until reduced by about two-thirds. Stir in the crème fraîche and bubble for a minute or so until slightly thickened. Pour a little sauce around each portion of fish. Lovely served with tiny, buttered new potatoes and green beans, or a fresh green salad.




500ml milk
15 saffron threads(or 1-2 pinches ground saffron)
1/4vanilla pod


1-Pour the milk into a small pan.
2-Half the vanilla pod lengthways, scrape out the seeds and add to the milk with the saffron.
3-Briefly bring the saffron-milk to the boil, pour into cups, sweeten with some honey as desired and enjoy.
According to taste, also boil with a cinnamon stick and cardamom shell or refine with a splash of Kahlua or Baileys.



160g onions
3garlic cloves
400g mushrooms(brown)
100g walnut flesh
200g chestnuts(pre-cooked)
3Tbsp walnut oil
25g butter
50g flour
1Pinch salt
Pepper (freshly ground)
300ml cream
100ml sparkling wine (dry)
1/2tsp saffron threads
Butter(to grease the pan)
Flour (to dust the pan)


1-Peel and finely dice onions and garlic gloves. Clean and finely chop the mushrooms as well as the chestnuts and walnuts.
2-Grease a loaf tin and dust with the flour, shake out any excess flour.
3-Pre-heat the oven to 190° C, fill a roasting tin with water and put in the oven to heat up.
4-Melt the butter with the walnut oil in a frying pan and add and brown the mushrooms, add the onions and garlic and fry for a further 3 minutes.
5-Put the mixture into a bowl, leave to cool briefly and add the walnuts, chestnuts, eggs and flour. Mix well, season to taste with salt and pepper, pour into the prepared tin and bake in the hot water bath of the roasting tin for 35 minutes.
6-In the meantime, for the sauce, coarsely grind some saffron in a mortar or with your fingers. Reduce the cream by about half in a saucepan and add the sparkling wine and saffron, season with salt and pepper and simmer for a further few minutes.
7-If necessary, season to taste again and serve with the sliced Chestnut – Walnut Terrine.

This dish would make a perfect side dish for autumn venison.



2 onions
300g sweet corn
1/2l vegetable stock
300g butter
200g crème fraîche
2 egg yolks
2 pinchesground saffron
1/2 bunchbasil
1 Pinch salt
Pepper(freshly ground)


1-Peel and finely dice the onions. Heat the butter in a large pan, add and fry the onions until soft.
2-Add half the frozen sweet corn, continue to fry briefly, then add the stock. Cover and cook for about 15 minutes.
3-In the meantime, smoothly mix the crème fraîche with the egg yolks and add the ground saffron. Wash the basil and pat dry.
4-When the cooking has finished, puree the soup with a hand held blender, add the remaining sweet corn and return to the heat.
5-Remove the pan from the hob and use a little of the no longer boiling soup to mix into the egg yolk mix to even out the temperature.
6-Then add the whole mixture into the soup and heat up again whilst stirring to a creamy consistency.
7-Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve with finely sliced basil sprinkled over the soup.




4 breasts of spring chicken( small)
20g clarified butter
40g butter
2 pinches ground saffron
4Tbsp olive oil
1garlic clove
1 bunch oregano(dried)
250g cherry tomatoes
12 slices baguette
150g mozzarella cheese
1bunch basil
160g arugula
3Tbsp white wine vinegar
3Tbsp bouillon
3Tbsp rapeseed oil
1Pinch salt
Pepper (freshly ground)


1-Peel the shallot and garlic, chop very finely and sauté in 1 tablespoon of olive oil until translucent. Briefly leave to cool.
2-In the meantime, wash the cherry tomatoes, skin them if required, deseed and cut into small cubes.
3-Mix the tomatoes with the garlic and onion mixture and the oregano in a bowl and season to taste with salt and pepper. Leave to stand for a little while.
4-Dab the mozzarella cheese dry and cut it into 12 thin slices. Spread a little olive oil on the baguette slices, place them on a big baking tray and brown slightly in the oven on each side.
5-Put a mozzarella slice on each baguette, then spread the tomato mixture on top and garnish with basil leaves.
6-In a large pan, heat the clarified butter with half of the fresh butter and fry the ready-to-cook, salted spring chicken breasts in it. Add 1 pinch of the ground saffron and the remaining butter.
7-Keep pouring the saffron butter over the chicken breasts while they are cooking. When the meat is cooked, lightly cover it with tin foil and leave to rest in the oven at 100° C.
8-For the dressing, stir together the white wine vinegar with the bouillon (or alternatively water), the rapeseed oil, the rest of the olive oil, salt, pepper and the remaining saffron. Wash the rocket, tear it into small pieces and toss in the sauce right before serving.
9-Distribute the salad on 4 plates, cut the chicken breasts into tranches and arrange on the plates along with the bruschetta.
Garnish to taste with raw cherry tomatoes and finely chopped basil.




2 shallots
1garlic clove
250g mushrooms
1/2tsp saffron threads
4Tbsp crème fraîche
125ml vegetable stock
2Tbsp sunflower oil
Pepper(to taste)
1Pinch sugar
1/2bunch flat parsley


1-Peel and finely dice the shallots and garlic. Clean and quarter the mushrooms and wash and finely chop the parsley.
2-Warm up the vegetable stock and add the saffron threads to soak.
3-Heat the oil in a frying pan, then fry shallots and mushrooms and towards the end add and fry the garlic.
4-Add the saffron vegetable stock and reduce on a medium heat.
5-Stir in the parsley, add the crème fraîche and briefly bring to the boil.
6-Season to taste with salt, pepper and sugar.

Perfect with pasta or roasted poultry with rice.





4 bell peppers(yellow)
60g butter
1Tbsp sugar
1l vegetable stock
125ml cream or (crème fraîche)
1Pinch saffron threads
2duck breast fillets
1bunch chives
1Pinch salt
Pepper (freshly ground)


1-Wash the peppers and remove the core, seeds and inner membranes, cut into strips. Peel and finely dice the shallots.
2-Melt the butter in a pan, add and caramelize the sugar. Add the diced shallots and fry briefly, then add the pepper strips. Continue to fry briefly; then add the vegetable stock.
3-Simmer on a medium heat until the pepper is cooked (about 20 minutes). Pre-heat the oven to 190° C.
4-Thoroughly puree with a hand held blender and push through a fine sieve. Add saffron, cream or crème fraîche to the soup and season to taste with salt and pepper, keep warm in the pre-heated oven.
5-Slightly crisscross cut the skin of the duck breast fillets, season with salt and fry in a frying pan skin side down on a medium heat. Drain the cooking juices and now fry skin side up until brown.
6-Finish cooking the duck breast fillets in the pan in the oven for about 8 minutes, remove and wrap in foil. Wash and finely slice the chives.
7-Pour the soup into deep plates, cut the duck breast fillets into strips once cooled and lay onto the plates.
Garnish with the chopped chives and serve with a slice of baguette.



2 fresh carrots
1/2 litre full fat milk
2 tbsp ghee
5 cashewnuts/kaju
5 almonds/badam
3 cardamoms/elaichi
1 cup sugar/1 cup milkmaid
For garnishing:
few saffron strands
5-6 sliced almonds and cashewnuts sauteed in ghee


Step 1:
Wash the carrots, cut off their heads, peel them.
Grate the carrots with the help of a grater and place them aside.
Heat 1 1/2 tbsp ghee in a pan, add the grated carrots, saute them for 10 minutes on low flame.
Place them aside.
Step 2:
In a pan, add 1 tsp ghee and heat it.
Add 5 cashewnuts, 5 almonds and saute them for few seconds.
Take them out in a bowl.
Take a jar, add the sauteed cashewnuts, almonds, 3 cardamoms.
Blend them into a fine powder.
Place them aside.
Making of carrot kheer:
Take a non stick sauce pan, add 500 ml milk, bring the milk to a boil on low flame.
After one boil, let the milk simmer for few more minutes.
Add the sauteed grated carrots into the milk.
Cook the carrots for atleast 10-15 minutes on low flame and keep stirring.
Add the blended powder of cashewnuts, almonds and cardamom.
Keep stirring and keep cooking for 5-10 minutes.
Lastly add milkmaid/sugar into it and cook for 5 minutes.
Garnish with sliced cashewnuts, almonds and few strands of saffron.
Switch off the flame.
Allow it cool down for 5-10 minutes.
Serve hot in sweet bowls.
1. Always cook any kheer on low flame and also make use of non stick pans and sauce pan for making dessert recipes.2. Since most of the dessert recipes are made using milk, please make sure to make them on low flames and make use of non stick cookware.3. Kheer recipes taste good if served hot or cool and I would suggest to store this carrot kheer in refrigerator for atleast an hour before serving it in sweet bowls.



1 cup milk
2 tsp sugar
10 strands saffron (a tiny pinch)


After milk is boiled add sugar, then saffron.
Let it simmer for a good 5mins, mix well and serve with a sprinkle of few strands of saffron.
You can replace sugar with other sweetners of your choice like honey,palm sugar etc.
If you prefer you can add chopped nuts along with saffron.

Steps To Make Saffron Milk Recipe:

1-Take milk in a sauce pan, boil for 3-5mins
2-After milk is boiled add sugar, then saffron
3-Let it simmer for a good 5 mins, mix well and serve with a sprinkle of few strands of saffron.

serve hot.



100 grams sugar
4 egg yolks (free range, very fresh)
250 millilitres milk
250 millilitres double cream (or whipping cream)
1 teaspoon saffron (a good, loosely heaped teaspoon)


1-Beat the egg yolks and sugar together until smooth and creamy.
2-Grind most of the saffron in a mortar and pestle, and put half of the powder into the milk, and heat until boiling point.
3-Pour the boiling milk into the beaten yolk/sugar mixture while continuously beating, and then return to the pan. Continue to warm on low heat until thickened, carefully stirring all the while (copper pans are a God send for this, it never burns). You probably measured the cream into a jug anyway, so pour the mixture into jug of cream, mix it briefly. Add the rest of the saffron powder. Just let it sit until it’s cool enough to put in the ice cream machine.
4-Put it in the ice cream machine according to the instructions. e.g. I switch mine on, let it cool for 5 minutes, then pour the ingredients in and let it mix until I hear it struggle because the mixture is frozen =)
5-Serve with a few strands of the remaining whole saffron threads atop, or pistachio slivers, or a fleck of gold leaf. I’m also thinking Nigella’s semi freddo method would work great for this. Also, finely ground green cardamom works great instead of saffron.



1/2 Litre Toned Milk
10-12 Strands of Saffron
3 Tbsp Custard-Apple (Sitafal) Pulp
1 Tsp Stevia


Heat milk in a heavy bottom pan.
Once it comes to a boil, add saffron.
Cook on low heat until it is reduced to half.
Keep stirring continuously so that cream is not formed at the top and milk becomes smooth and thick.
Remove the pan from heat and let the basundi cool.
Once the basundi is cooled, add custard apple pulp and stevia to it and mix well.
Refrigerate the basundi for a few hours before serving.



6 to 8 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1/4 teaspoon Spanish saffron threads
1/2 cup shelled pistachios
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, chopped (about 1 cup)
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 cups Arborio rice
1 cup dry white wine
1 lb frozen (and thawed) cooked medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1/2 cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese


1-In a medium saucepan over medium heat, heat chicken broth to a low simmer. Reduce heat to low. Transfer 1/2 cup broth to a bowl and stir in saffron threads.
2-In a medium skillet over medium-high heat, stir pistachios 2 to 3 minutes until toasted and fragrant. Transfer to a cutting board and coarsely chop.
3-Heat a large Dutch oven or saucepan over medium heat. Add olive oil. Once oil is shimmering, add onion and salt and cook 2 to 3 minutes until soft but not browned. Add rice and cook another 3 minutes or so until rice is more milky white than translucent.
4-Add wine. Cook, stirring often until rice absorbs most of liquid. Transfer 1 cup of chicken broth to rice mixture in saucepan. Stir often until most of liquid is absorbed. Repeat process until 5 cups of broth have been added. Pour in saffron broth and stir until most of liquid is absorbed. At this point, rice should be tender with a slight bite; if it’s still too crunchy, continue to add broth 1/2 cup at a time and stir until most of liquid is absorbed and rice is tender.
5-Stir in shrimp, butter, 1/4 cup chopped pistachios and 1/4 cup grated cheese. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Transfer to serving bowls and sprinkle with remaining chopped pistachios and grated cheese.



Saffron Poached Pears

Smoked Vanilla Ice Cream

300ml thickened cream
300ml milk
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste
5 egg yolks
175g caster sugar
hickory smoking chips

Chocolate Almond Soil
50g almonds
40g caster sugar
15g unsalted butter
15g cocoa
25g plain flour
1 egg yolk

75g caster sugar
10g honey
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda

Nectarine Spheres
1 tsp sodium alginate
2 nectarines, peeled and diced
1 tsp calcium lactate
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp caster sugar
¼ cup picked mint leaves

Spiced Saffron Syrup
150ml reserved pear poaching liquid
2 tbsp lemon juice
Picked mint leaves


1-Preheat oven to 165C. Turn on ice cream machine to chill according to manufacturers instructions
2-For the Saffron Poached Pears, combine all ingredients with 1 litre of water in a small saucepan over medium heat and bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Once boiling, reduce heat to low then cover and simmer pears until tender, about 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and set saucepan aside in the fridge until needed.
3-For the Smoked Vanilla Ice Cream, combine cream, milk and vanilla bean paste in a medium saucepan over low heat and bring just to the boil. Meanwhile, whisk egg yolks and sugar together in a medium sized bowl until pale.
4-Remove milk and cream mixture from the heat and whisk into the egg mixture until combined. Pour mixture back into the saucepan and place over low heat, stirring continuously, until mixture reaches 85C and thickens slightly.
5-Remove from heat, pour mixture into a medium sized bowl set over an ice bath to cool. Once completely cooled, strain through a fine sieve into a clean bowl and seal bowl tightly with cling film.
6-Insert the hose of a smoking gun into the bowl and light smoking chips. Allow the bowl to fill with smoke then remove hose and seal bowl again tightly. Set aside to smoke for 5 minutes, refill bowl with smoke and set aside for 5 minutes. Remove cling film and transfer mixture to the ice cream machine and churn until set, about 40 minutes. Once set, transfer canister to the freezer until needed.
7-For the Chocolate Almond Soil, line a baking tray with baking paper. Place all ingredients into a food processor and blitz to a coarse crumb. Pour crumb onto the lined baking tray and bake in the oven until crisp, about 12-15 minutes. Remove from oven and set aside until required.
8-For the Honeycomb, line a baking tray with baking paper. Place sugar, honey and 1 tablespoon of water into a medium saucepan and stir to combine. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until amber in colour, about 4 minutes. Remove from heat and whisk in bicarbonate of soda. Pour onto pre lined baking tray and set aside to cool completely.
9-For the Nectarine Spheres, place 2 cups of water and the sodium alginate into a tall stick blender canister and blitz with a stick blender until completely combined. Transfer solution to a medium sized bowl and set aside to bloom.
10-Meanwhile, place diced nectarines into a medium sized bowl and use a stick blender to purée nectarines until smooth. Mix calcium lactate and lemon juice together in a separate small bowl then add to the nectarine and blitz to combine. Add sugar and blitz until dissolved. Pass through a fine sieve into a clean bowl and add mint leaves.
11-Fill a medium sized bowl with water and set aside until required.
12-Using a teaspoon sized measuring spoon, gently drop portions of the nectarine mixture into the reserved bowl of sodium alginate solution for 3 minutes to form a membrane. Gently remove spheres from the alginate solution and place into the bowl of clean water.
12-For the Spiced Saffron Syrup, strain 150ml of the poaching liquid from the reserved saucepan of poached pears into a clean small saucepan. Add lemon juice and place over medium heat until syrup has thickened, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside until needed.
14-To serve, spoon the Chocolate Almond Soil in a ring around the plate. Place 2 or 3 shards of Honeycomb along the ring of soil. Arrange 2 pieces of Saffron Poached Pear on top of the Chocolate Almond Soil and place a quenelle of the Smoked Vanilla Ice Cream on the opposite side of the soil ring. Drizzle with some of the Spiced Saffron Syrup and finish with some picked mint leaves.



200g chicken bones, roasted
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 leek, chopped
7-8 saffron threads
4 bayleaf
15 peppercorns
5 juniper berries
10 cloves garlic, peeled
20g fresh ginger, peeled
2L water

1 teaspoon coriander seed
1 teaspoon cumin seed
1 teaspoon chilli flakes
1 onion, diced
200g red lentils, washed
1.5L stock
1 clove of garlic
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon coriander seed
1 teaspoon cumin seed
1 teaspoon chilli flakes
1 onion, diced
200g red lentils, washed
1.5L stock
1 clove of garlic
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Baby Beetroots
1 bunch baby beetroot
300ml reserved stock

To serve
Crusty bread, to serve


1-Pre heat oven to 200°C. Place chicken bones in a roasting pan and roast until golden. Transfer to a stock pot, ensuring to scrape out the cooking juices. Add remaining stock ingredients, cover with water and bring to the boil over a high heat. Reduce heat to simmer for 1 hour. Skim the stock periodically with a large spoon to remove any scum.
2-Pass stock through a strainer to remove all solids. Use 1.5L for soup and keep aside 300ml for the beetroots.
3-For the soup, dry roast spices in a pan until aromatic, transfer to a mortar and pestle, grind to a fine powder, and set aside.
4-Heat oil in a saucepan over a medium heat, add onion and sweat until soft, add red lentils and ground spices. Cook for 1 minute then add stock. Gently cook until lentils are soft.
5-Slice garlic and cook in hot oil until golden, transfer immediately to lentil soup. Allow to cool slightly, transfer to a bar blender and puree until smooth. If the soup is to thick for your liking, thin with reserved extra stock or water a few tablespoons at a time until you reach your desired thickness. Cover and keep warm until serving.
6-Grill the capsicum over an open flame, until charred and blistered, let cool, then peel away blistered skin, remove core and seeds. Place capsicum flesh in a blender or food processor along with the garlic, oil and salt and cumin and process until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste and set aside. Alternatively, place capsicum in a roasting dish and roast in a hot oven until blistered. Remove and place in a plastic bag, seal and allow to sweat off the skin. When cool peel away skin and remove core and seeds.
7-Gently cook the baby beetroots in 300ml of stock, until tender, remove and when cool enough to handle, peel away the skins and set aside.
8-Serve soup hot with a few baby beetroots, a drizzle of capsicum sauce and crusty bread.



Store Cupboard
140g of caster sugar
190g of honey
130g of egg yolks
16g of gelatine leaves, soaked in cold water
30g of ice cream stabiliser
75g of soft light brown sugar
5g of golden syrup
90g of plain flour
45g of pecan nuts, chopped
100g of pistachio nuts
370g of sugar

toasted pine nuts
600g of orange juice
100ml of prune juice
310ml of water

Fruit & Vegetables

3 oranges, segmented with each segment cut into thirds
4g of orange zest
254g of dates, chopped
567g of milk
560g of cream
365g of whipping cream, whipped
60g of butter
Spices & Dried Herbs
2 pinches of saffron
Speciality Ingredients
8g of orange blossom water
10g of glycerine
50g of concentrated passion fruit purée
8g of ultratex
edible flowers, such as yellow nasturtium
1g of baking powder


1-First make the caramelised oranges as these need to marinate overnight. Add the caster sugar to a pan and place over a moderate heat. Allow to caramelise slightly, then gradually add in the orange juice to form a syrup
100g of caster sugar
300g of orange juice

2-In a separate pan, add the honey and heat this through until starting to smoke. Pour in the orange syrup and bring to the boil. Place the orange segments in a bowl and pour over the hot orange and honey syrup. Allow to cool, then cover and leave to marinate overnight
100g of honey
1 orange, segmented with each segment cut into thirds

3-For the saffron mousse, add the milk and cream to a pan and bring to a simmer. Remove from the heat, then add the saffron and leave to infuse for 5 minutes. Transfer to a blender and blitz until the mixture is an even yellow colour
160g of milk
160g of cream
1 pinch of saffron

4-In a separate pan, heat the honey until it starts to caramelise and pour in the saffron cream. Stir well to deglaze the caramel from the bottom of the pan, then increase the heat slightly and bring the mixture up to the boil. Lightly whisk the egg yolk in a bowl and pour over the hot saffron cream, whisking continuously to combine
40g of honey
40g of egg yolks

5-Return the mixture to the pan and heat to 83°C, then remove from the heat. Squeeze any excess water from the gelatine leaves and add them to the pan, leaving the mixture to cool to 35°C. Gently fold in the whipped cream until well combined, then carefully spoon or pipe the mousse into the dome moulds and freeze for at least 8 hours
8g of gelatine leaves, soaked in cold water
240g of whipping cream, whipped

6-Meanwhile, make the ice cream. Place the milk, cream and orange zest into a large pan and bring to a boil over a moderate heat. Remove from the heat and strain through a fine sieve, then measure out 800g and set aside
400g of milk
400g of cream
4g of orange zest

7-Whisk together the egg yolks, caster sugar, orange blossom water, glycerine and ice cream stabiliser in a large bowl. Pour a quarter of the hot cream over the egg yolk mixture and whisk well to combine, then pour the mixture back into the pan along with the remaining hot cream
80g of egg yolks
40g of caster sugar
6g of orange blossom water
10g of glycerine
30g of ice cream stabiliser

8-Place the pan back over a moderate heat and, stirring continuously, heat until the mixture reaches 83°C. Pass through a sieve into a sealable container and chill in the fridge overnight – this will allow the mixture to thicken. Once chilled, transfer to an ice cream maker and churn, reserving in the freezer until ready to serve

9-To make the cookie crumb cream together the butter, sugar and golden syrup in a bowl and mix in the egg yolk and milk. Sieve in the flour and baking powder together, then stir well until fully incorporated
60g of butter
75g of soft light brown sugar
5g of golden syrup
10g of egg yolks
7g of milk
90g of plain flour
1g of baking powder

10-Mix in the chopped pecans and dates and bring the mixture together on a floured surface to form a dough. Wrap well in cling film and chill in the fridge for an hour to firm up
50g of dates, chopped
45g of pecan nuts, chopped

11-While the dough is chilling, make the date compote by placing all the ingredients into a pan and placing over a moderate heat. Bring to a simmer and cook for 15–20 minutes until soft, taking care not to let the mixture boil, then leave to cool and refrigerate until ready to serve
200g of dates, deseeded and roughly chopped
100ml of prune juice
100ml of orange juice

12-For the saffron cream, add the cream to a small pan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and add the saffron, leaving the mixture to infuse for 5 minutes. Transfer to a blender and blitz until it turns a consistent bright yellow colour, then leave to cool and refrigerate until required
125ml of whipping cream
1 pinch of saffron

13-For the crystalised pistachios mix together the sugar and water in a pan to form a mixture with a similar consistency to wet sand. Place over a moderate heat and shake the pan while the sugar starts to dissolve, continuously moving the pan so the sugar keeps re-crystalising as the water evaporates
20g of sugar
10ml of water

14-Add the pistachios to the pan and toss to coat in the sugar mixture. Once the sugar looks to be drying and crystalising around the nuts, remove from the heat and tip out on to a piece of greaseproof paper to cool. Store in an airtight container until serving
100g of pistachio nut

15-Preheat the oven to 160°C/gas mark 3

16-Once the cookie dough is firm and chilled roll it out on a floured surface to form a thin sheet, then place on a lined baking tray and bake for 15 minutes until crisp and golden. Allow to cool, then roughly chop or crumble the cookie to form a chunky granola-like consistency. Store in an airtight container until ready to serve

17-For the orange confit, place the zest into a small pan and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil, then drain and repeat twice more to soften the zest. Combine the sugar and 150ml of water in another pan and allow the sugar to dissolve over a moderate heat
2 oranges, zest cut into julienne
300g of sugar
150ml of water

18-Add the zest to the syrup and simmer until the zest is very tender and almost translucent, but still holding its shape. Strain off the syrup and spread out the zest strands on greaseproof paper to cool until required

19-Just before serving make the orange glaze. Add the 50g of sugar to a pan with 50ml of the water. Place over a moderate heat and allow the sugar to dissolve to create a syrup. In a separate pan, heat the remaining 100ml of water and add the gelatine leaves. Heat until dissolved, then mix with the sugar syrup and set aside
50g of sugar
150ml of water
8g of gelatine leaves, soaked in cold water

20-In a separate pan, add the honey and cook until starting to caramelise, then pour in the orange juice and passion fruit purée and stir well to deglaze the pan. Add the gelatine syrup, mix well and bring everything to the boil. Remove from the heat and blend in the ultratex and orange blossom water, then pass through a fine sieve into a clean bowl and allow to cool to 30°C
50g of honey
200g of orange juice
50g of concentrated passion fruit purée
8g of ultratex
2g of orange blossom water

21-While the glaze is cooling slightly, remove the saffron cream from the fridge and whip until firm. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle. Remove the mousse domes from the freezer, run under cold water and carefully remove the domes from the silicone moulds. Place on a wire rack with a tray underneath

22-Blitz the glaze with a hand blender until really smooth. Spoon the glaze evenly over the mousse domes to coat completely, letting it run down the sides until you have an even layer. Leave the glaze to set for a few moments while you gather the ice cream and garnishes ready for plating, then transfer the domes carefully to serving plates

23-To serve, spoon a little of the compote across each plate and top with the crumble, sprinkling a larger circle of crumble next to the dome. Top this with a quenelle of the orange ice cream and pipe small mounds of the whipped saffron cream around the plate. Dot with pieces of the caramelised oranges, orange confit and crystalised pistachios, garnishing with a few toasted pine nuts, date slivers and edible flowers
toasted pine nuts
4 dates, cut into slivers
edible flowers, such as yellow nasturtium


Saffron Arancini Stuffed with Bocconcini

For the saffron risotto:
1 butter
50 g chorizo — minced
1 shallot — finely diced
1 leek — washed,halved and finely chopped
2 fresh thyme — stems, destalked
lemon — halved and zested
1 rice — arborio
80 ml wine — white
1 l stock — chicken
1/4 tsp saffron — powder or threads
1/3 parmesan cheese — grated
2 butter
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the arancini:
100 g mozzarella cheese — cubed
2-3 eggs — lightly whisked
1/2 flour
1/3 breadcrumbs — dried
1 breadcrumbs — panko
1 l vegetable oil — for frying


1-Heat the olive oil and butter in a saucepan. Add the chorizo and cook for several minutes until the red oils are rendered out. Remove and set aside.

2-Pour the stock into a separate saucepan, add the saffron threads and place on a heat source to keep hot.

3-Sauté the shallot until softened but not coloured. Add the leeks and cook for a further 2 minutes. Add the thyme and lemon zest.

4-Add the rice and stir through to coat in the buttery oils. Allow the rice to toast for about a minute.

5-Deglaze the pan with the wine and reduce by half.

6-Now add the hot chicken stock, one ladle at a time allowing the rice to absorb the stock before adding the next ladle.

7-Continue stirring all the while. This agitates the rice and releases the starch and results in a creamy risotto.

8-Once all the stock is used up the risotto should be al dente. Cooking time is between 22-25 minutes. If the rice is not yet cooked, add a little extra water.

9-Finally, add the chorizo, parmesan and 2 tablespoons butter. Season with black pepper. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool completely. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

10-To make the arancini, combine the breadcrumbs and panko crumbs. Place the eggs, flour and crumbs into three separate bowls.

11-Scoop generous tablespoon amounts of cold risotto in the palm of your hand. Flatten out slightly and place a piece of mozzarella in each. Close and roll into a ball. Repeat until you’ve used all the risotto mixture.

12-Pour the oil into a saucepan and bring up to 180º C.

13-Dredge the arancini in flour, followed by the egg and then in the breadcrumb mixture. Carefully lower into the oil and cook for about 3-4 minutes or until golden underneath. Turn over and cook for another 3 minutes.

Drain on paper towels and eat while still warm and the cheese is molten inside.




  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 pound chicken cutlets (scallopine)
  • 2 shallots, sliced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 1 1/2 cups chicken broth
  • 1/4 teaspoon saffron threads
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley



Warm the olive oil in a large skillet over high heat. Season the chicken

cutlets with salt and pepper. Cook the chicken until golden and cooked

through, about 2 to 3 minutes per side. Transfer the chicken to serving

plate and tent with foil to keep warm. Turn the heat to medium, add the

shallot and the garlic and cook until tender, about 2 minutes.

Deglaze the pan with the white wine. Using a wooden spoon, scrape all the brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Cook until the wine is almost evaporated.

Add the chicken broth and saffron threads, bring to a simmer and reduce for 10 minutes. Add the cream, salt, and pepper. Stir to combine and simmer for 1 minute to blend the flavors. Pour the sauce over the chicken.

Sprinkle with parsley and serve immediately.

Recipe courtesy of Giada De Laurentiis, originally found

at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/chicken-scallopine-with-saffron-cream-sauce-recipe



Saffron pears
3 3/4 cups /875 ml cold water
1/2 lemon
1 cup/200 g granulated sugar
4 firm pears, peeled with core and stems in tact
1 pinch saffron threads
1 vanilla bean pod

Chocolate sauce
1/2 cup/82g chopped semisweet chocolate
3 tablespoons heavy cream
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
Edible gold leaf *optional

1-For the pears, fill saucepan with cold water. Squeeze lemon over water and then add rind to the pot. Add sugar and stir briefly. Carefully place peeled pears in water. Place over medium-high heat and stir until the sugar is melted. Split vanilla pod and scrape out seeds. Add seeds and pod to saucepan. Add pinch of saffron. Bring ingredients to full boil and then reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 20 minutes or until just fork-tender. Remove from heat and let the pan cool to just warm. You may drain and serve the pears immediately, or cover saucepan and place in refrigerator overnight for intensified color and flavor. If you choose overnight method, gently re-heat pears in poaching liquid before serving.
2-For chocolate sauce, place all ingredients in a small saucepan and cook over medium-low heat. Stir until all components are melted and blended smooth. Place pears on a serving plate and top each pear with chocolate. Adorn with gold leaf if desired.
Originally posted by our friends at sprinkle bakes.



For the cake
225g butter , softened, plus extra for greasing
2 tbsp brandy
pinch saffron (about 1⁄4tsp strands)
225g golden caster sugar
4 eggs
225g plain flour
50g ground almond
1 tsp baking powder
300g raisin
300g sultana
100g natural-coloured glacé cherry , halved
85g mixed peel
50g whole blanched almond , roughly chopped
50g whole blanched hazelnut , roughly chopped
50g walnut pieces
To soak
3 tbsp brandy
2 tbsp honey


Heat oven to 160C/fan 140C/gas 3. Butter and line a round, deep 20cm cake tin with two layers of baking parchment (see Knowhow, below). Tie a few sheets of newspaper around the outside of the tin, level with the top of the baking parchment.

Heat the brandy in a small pan, then add the saffron and leave to infuse off the heat for a few mins. Put the butter, sugar, eggs, flour, ground almonds, baking powder and a pinch of salt into a bowl, then beat together until creamy and smooth. Mix the fruit, nuts and brandy saffron mix into the batter and stir well.

Spoon into the prepared tin, smooth the top and make a slight dip in the middle. Bake for 1½ hrs, then cover loosely with foil to stop the top over-browning. Turn oven down to 140C/fan 120C/gas 1 and cook for 1 hr more until a skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin then, while it’s still warm, prod the cake all over with a skewer.

Mix the brandy and honey together and spoon over the cake. Wrap up well in foil and keep in an airtight container until Christmas, feeding with more honeyed brandy every so often.



100g skinned hazelnuts , ground
50g semolina or polenta
175g golden caster sugar
1½ tsp baking powder
2 large oranges
4 medium eggs
200ml light olive oil
generous pinch saffron threads
85g icing sugar
Greek yogurt or crème fraîche and orange segments to serve, optional


Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Oil the base of a 23cm ring tin (or oil and line the base of a 20cm round or 18cm square cake tin). Put the ground hazelnuts in a frying pan and toast over a medium heat, stirring frequently until evenly browned. Leave to cool, then mix with the semolina, caster sugar and baking powder.

Finely grate the zest from one orange and combine with the eggs and oil. Beat well with a wooden spoon, then fold into the dry ingredients. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 30-40 mins, until risen and firm to the touch.

While the cake is baking, pare the zest from the other orange and cut into very thin shreds. Put in a saucepan with the juice from both oranges, the saffron and icing sugar. Bring to the boil, then simmer gently for 5 mins.

When the cake is done, leave it to cool in the tin slightly, then turn out onto a plate. Peel off the lining paper. While the cake is still warm, skewer it well and spoon the syrup over. Serve as it is, or with yogurt or crème fraîche and orange segments. The cake will keep in the fridge in an airtight container for 3-4 days.



-2 leeks, white part only, chopped

-4 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped

-2 tablespoons (30 ml) butter

-1 pinch of saffron -5 cups (1.25 litres) chicken broth

-3 cups (750 ml) peeled and sliced yellow or orange carrots

-2 cups (500 ml) peeled and cubed potatoes -1/4 cup (60 ml) 35% cream

-Salt and pepper



In a large saucepan, soften the leeks and garlic in the butter with the saffron. Add the broth, carrots, and potatoes and bring to a boil.
Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. In a blender, purée the soup until smooth. Add the cream. Add broth, if needed. Season with salt and pepper. Serve drizzled with honey.




Serves 4-6

2 1/2 cups long grain basmati rice, rinsed and soaked in water with 2 tablespoons of salt for a couple of hours. Drain.
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
3 eggs, yolks only
1 1/2 cups plain yogurt
1/2 teaspoon ground saffron, dissolved in 3-4 tablespoons of hot water
1 large onion, peeled, and thinly sliced
A pinch of turmeric
Salt to taste
Butter or vegetable oil
Chicken stock *optional

Garnish: barberries, slivered almonds or pistachios *optional


1-Place the raw chicken breasts in a pot along with onion, add turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon salt and a cup of water, bring to boil on medium-high heat, reduce heat, cover and cook for an hour on medium-low heat. Set aside to cool. Cut the chicken into small pieces.
2-Bring 6 cups of water to a boil in a large pot on medium-high heat, add the rice and boil for about 8-10 minutes or until rice grains are soft on the ends and firm in the center. Drain and pour some cool water over it to wash away the starch and to separate the rice grains. This cool water rinse helps bring about a more fluffy rice. Set aside.
3-In a large mixing bowl combine yogurt, yolks, salt and saffron. Mix well.
4-Add the rice to the yogurt mixture, blend well.
5-In a nonstick pan, add 3 tablespoons oil and a tablespoon of liquid saffron. Move the pan in a circular motion to cover the bottom uniformly. Ladle 2/3 of the rice into the pan, flatten with a wooden spoon, layer chicken pieces evenly and cover the entire surface. Pour the rest of the rice over the chicken pieces, flatten the top with the back of a large spoon while pressing down. Pour 2-3 tablespoons strained chicken stock, 2 tablespoons oil or melted butter and the remaining liquid saffron over the rice.
6-Place the pot on medium-high heat. When you notice a steam coming up, lower the heat, cover and cook for one hour until the crust forms and the flavors come together. Since there’s yogurt and egg yolk at the bottom of the pan it can easily burn, so adjustthe heat setting of your stove accordingly.
To serve this dish let it cool for a few minutes, this way the crust comes off easier. Place a round serving platter that is larger than the diameter of the pot. Hold firmly while wearing mittens, you don’t want to burn your fingers! Then gently turn the pot over. Garnish as you like.

Tah-chin goes well with plain yogurt, yogurt and cucumber dip, salad Shirazi, or torshi.




1½ lbs chicken thigh pieces
1 onion large, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic grated
1/2 tsp Advieh (Persian spice mix, see note 9)
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1½ tsps salt
3/4 cup yogurt thick
1/2 tsp saffron ground, dissolved in 3 tbps hot water
2 lbs spinach fresh, chopped or 1 lb frozen
1/4 lb spinach fresh, optional garnish
4 tbsps olive oil
1 egg yolk optional
2 tbsps butter optional, for rice crust
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup prunes pitted
2 cups basmati rice white or brown
Roasted sliced almonds optional

Cooking Pot
Persian Rice Cooker (Optional)

Pyrex Baking Dish


1-Combine chicken, 1/2 sliced onion, 1 grated garlic clove, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp black pepper, 1/2 tsp Persian mixed spice, 1/2 tsp turmeric in a cooking pot. Add half cup water and cook over medium heat for about one hour until well done.
2-Alternatively it can be baked for one hour without adding water as the chicken will release its own juices.
3-Drain any juices from the cooked chicken and set aside.
4-Combine the cooled chicken, yogurt, one tbsp saffron water and preferably marinate overnight.

5-Heat two tbsps of oil in a skillet, sauté remaining sliced onion and grated garlic clove. Add chopped spinach, 1/4 tsp salt and simmer five minutes. Stir and let juices evaporate.
6-There are two ways to proceed. (1) Using the Persian rice cooker (easier method). (2) Or boiling rice first and then baking it in the oven with remaining ingredients (traditional method).
7-Wash the rice thoroughly, until there is no starchy water. It may require 4-5 rinses until the water is clear. Drain the rice well.
1-Bring two and half cups water to a boil in a rice cooker. Add two tablespoons oil and 3/4 tsp salt.
2-Once the water comes to a rolling boil, add the rice. Let it cook just until all the water is absorbed. It is important to not let the rice steam further. Transfer the cooked rice to another container.
3-Persian rice is often prepared with a rice crust in the bottom. When the rice is flipped, the crust is on the top. A Persian Rice cooker is specially designed to make the crust.
4-Heat 2 tbsps of butter in Persian rice cooker. Combine 2 to 3 tbsps of chicken marinade, couple scoops of cooked rice, one tbsp saffron water and egg yolk. Spread this mixture evenly over melted butter.
5-Layer cooked rice, chicken, prunes, spinach and end with a rice layer. Sprinkle one tbsp saffron water and lemon juice over rice. Place lid and let it steam for 20 minutes as per the rice cooker instructions.
6-Check out the video for the Persian Lentil Cranberry Rice to see how this is done in a Persian rice cooker.



Large pinch of saffron threads
3 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 cups plain whole-milk yogurt

How to Make It

Step 1
In a small bowl, crumble the saffron into 1 tablespoon of the water and let stand for 5 minutes.

Step 2
Meanwhile, in a small, microwave-safe bowl, combine the remaining 2 tablespoons of water with the sugar and microwave for about 1 minute, until the sugar is dissolved. Transfer the bowl to the freezer until the syrup is cold.

Step 3
In a bowl, whisk the yogurt with the saffron water and sugar syrup. Refrigerate, whisking a few times, until cold and brightly colored, about 1 hour. Pour into medium glasses and serve.



1/2 cup hot milk
1/4 gram of saffron
1 liter fresh plain yogurt
200 grams sugar
1 tablespoon green cardamon powder
150 grams nuts cashews, almonds, etc and raisins
150 grams heavy cream
100 grams butter unsalted


Soak saffron in the hot milk and set aside for 15-20 minutes.
To the yogurt ad sugar and cardamon. Mix. Add the saffron milk mix and blend together with a hand blender until smooth.
In a separate bowl combine nuts/raisins and heavy cream. Mix.

Pour the lassi mix evenly into 5 glasses. Top with a dollop of the heavy cream nuts mix and add a small spoonful of butter onto the side of the glass.



  • 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter
  • 2 ounces thinly sliced prosciutto, cut into thin strips
  • 1 1/4 cups orzo (about 8 ounces)
  • 3 cups low-salt chicken broth
  • 1/2 teaspoon (loosley packed) saffron threads, crushed
  • 1 pound slender asparagus, trimmed, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Parmesan cheese shavings


  • Melt 2 tablespoons butter in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add prosciutto and sauté until almost crisp, about 3 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer to paper towels to drain. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in same skillet over high heat. Add orzo; stir 1 minute. Add broth and saffron; bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until orzo begins to soften, stirring occasionally, about 8 minutes. Add asparagus; cover and simmer until tender, about 5 minutes. Uncover; simmer until almost all liquid is absorbed, about 1 minute. Remove from heat. Mix in prosciutto and 1/2 cup grated cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer to large bowl. Garnish with Parmesan shavings.



400 g cauliflower and broccoli florets, mixed

1/2 t saffron threads, soaked in 150 ml hot water

3 T raisins of your choice, soaked in same water with saffron.

1 medium red onion, sliced into rings

4 T black olives in brine, pitted and sliced if you wish

4 small bay leaves

salt, to taste


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and transfer to a lightly greased baking pan. Cover with foil and make a little gash in centre with a sharp knife.

2. Bake covered for 25 minutes. Remove foil and cook for a further 5 minutes. Liquid should be absorbed and the cauliflower and broccoli soft but not mushy. The original recipe suggests baking for 40 minutes – this would be far too long in my oven. Adjust according to your own oven’s quirks.



  • 3-4 mangoes, peeled and chopped
  • 1 cup of plain yogourt
  • 3-4 saffron threads
  • sugar to taste
  • mint and saffron to ga


  1. Combine the mango chunks into the blender and puree until it becomes mango pulp.
  2. Add in the yogurt and saffron threads and blend for another minute.
  3. Add sugar to taste.
  4. Pour into glasses and garnish with mint leaves and saffron threads. Enjoy!



2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 medium red onion, finely chopped
1/2-inch piece ginger, peeled and finely chopped
3 or 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
20 fresh curry leaves
2 or 3 small green Serrano chiles, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
2 teaspoons ground coriander powder
1 1/2 cups homemade chicken stock or canned chicken broth
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 pound mussels on the half-shell, such as New Zealand Greenshell Mussels
Table salt
A few strands of saffron


1-In a deep saucepan, heat the oil over high heat. When the oil shimmers, add the onion, ginger, garlic, curry leaves, and green chiles. Saute for 4 to 6 minutes, until the onion begins to change color.

2-Add the turmeric and coriander. Mix well and saute for another 30 seconds.

3-Add the broth and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and add the cream. Remove from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature.

4-Transfer to a blender and blend to a smooth consistency. If you like an even smoother texture, pass the mixture through a sieve. I prefer not to do so.

5-Return the sauce to the saucepan and bring to another gentle boil.

6-Add the mussels and cook, covered, for about 10 minutes, shaking the saucepan occasionally.

7-Add salt to taste and the saffron threads and mix well. Serve hot.

Note: If using whole fresh mussels, you will need 1 1/2 pounds. Soak in cold water for an hour. Discard any that open up. Remove beards and rinse well. Then pat dry and proceed with the recipe.



  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup seltzer
  • 1/4 cup chopped parsley
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • pinch saffron
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
  • 1 cup matzo meal


  • 1 whole chicken, cut into pieces
  • 4 quarts water
  • 2 carrot stalks, peeled and cut into large pieces
  • 1 onion, quartered
  • 2 stalks celery, cut into large pieces
  • 1 large leek, washed well and cut into large pieces
  • 4 peppercorns
  • handful of parsley and dill
  • 4 whole garlic cloves


  • 2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 small onion
  • 1/2 cup quartered cherry or grape tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup diced red bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup diced green bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • pinch saffron
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes


To make the matzo balls: Whisk the eggs, oil, seltzer, parsley, salt, garlic powder, saffron and pepper in a medium bowl. Add matzo meal and mix well. Cover with plastic wrap, pressed tightly against the batter and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or overnight.

To cook the matzo balls: Bring a large pot of salted water or chicken broth to a boil over high heat. Moisten your hands lightly with water and form the matzo mixture into 10-12 balls. Carefully drop the matzo balls into the water or broth. Reduce the heat to medium and partially cover. Simmer gently until the matzo balls are cooked through, about 40 minutes. Using a skimmer transfer to soup when ready to serve or store.

Meanwhile, make the soup. Bring the chicken pieces and water to a boil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add the rest of the soup ingredients and reduce heat to simmer. Cook partially covered, until the chicken is tender, about 25 to 30 minutes. Remove the chicken from the soup. Remove and discard the skin, shred the meat into bite-sized pieces, and reserve the meat until service. Return the remaining bones back to the broth and simmer for 20-30 minutes more to further develop the soup’s flavor.

While the soup is simmering, heat the oil in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add the onion, tomatoes, red and green peppers, cilantro, garlic and saffron. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables in the sofrito are tender, but not browned, about 8 minutes. Add the red pepper flakes, if using. Set the sofrito aside.

When ready to serve, strain the soup and discard the bones and vegetables (keep any vegetables you like, I kept the carrots) return the soup to the pot and stir in the sofrito and chicken pieces. Add the matzo balls and simmer until the matzo balls are heated through, about 5 minutes. (The soup and matzo balls can be prepared up to 2 days ahead, cooled, covered, and refrigerated. Reheat before serving.)




  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 8 green cardamom pods, crushed
  • ½ tsp crumbled saffron threads
  • 4 tsp active dry yeast
  • ½ cup sugar, divided
  • ½ cup butter, melted
  • 4 large eggs
  • ¾ tsp salt
  • 4½ cups all purpose flour, divided
  • 1 cup diced candied orange or lemon peel
  • 1 cup chopped apricots
  • 4 tbsp milk
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • ¼ cup sliced almonds


  1. In a small saucepan set over medium heat, bring milk, cardamom pods and saffron to a simmer. Remove from heat. Cover and let stand for 20 minutes, or until the saffron has thoroughly infused the milk.
  2. Strain milk mixture into a large mixing bowl and sprinkle with the yeast and 1 teaspoon sugar. Let stand for about 10 minutes, or until yeast is dissolved and mixture is foamy. Stir in remaining sugar, along with butter, eggs and salt.
  3. Add 2 cups flour, and stir until smooth. Gradually stir in another 2 cups of flour along with citrus peel and apricots, working until a soft dough starts to come together.
  4. Turn the dough out onto a clean, lightly floured surface. Knead until dough is soft, smooth and elastic (about 8 minutes), adding up to ½ cup more flour as needed to keep from sticking. Place dough in a large, lightly oiled mixing bowl. Cover with a clean dishcloth, and place in a warm, draft-free spot to rise until doubled, about 2 hours.
  5. Lightly butter two 8″ paper panettone molds. Punch down the dough and turn out onto a work surface. Divide dough into two equal-sized pieces, and work each one into a ball. Place a ball of dough, seam side down, into each of the prepared molds. Cover loosely with a clean towel, and place in a warm draft-free spot to rise until doubled, about 45 minutes.
  6. Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 350°F.
  7. In a small bowl, stir together milk and 2 tbsp sugar. Brush top of each loaf with milk and sugar mixture, then sprinkle with almonds.
  8. Bake in preheated oven until loaves are golden brown and tester inserted near center comes out clean, about 45 minutes. Set the loaves on a wire rack to cool for about 30 minutes before serving.




0.5 g saffron threads (the good quality stuff!)
1 tbsp vodka
375 g (2 1/2 cups) all-purpose flour
66 g (1/3 cup) granulated sugar
1 tsp kosher salt
1 1/2 tsp ground cardamom
zest of 1/2 an orange
7 g (2 tsp) instant yeast
75 g (1/3 cup) unsalted butter
160 ml (2/3 cup) whole milk
1 large egg


100 g unsalted butter room temperature
1 tbsp cardamom
1 tsp cinnamon
50 g brown sugar


1 egg yolk
1 tbsp whole milk



Ideally, steep the saffron in vodka overnight for a very yellow dough (or at least for an hour).
Then, in a bowl, mix the flour, sugar, salt, cardamom and orange zest with a whisk. Add the instant yeast and mix again.
In a small saucepan, melt the butter slowly. Transfer to the bowl of a stand mixer and add the milk. Use the same whisk used for the dry ingredients to stir the liquids.
Add the saffron and vodka, as well as the egg. Whisk again until evenly mixed.
Add the dry ingredients to the stand mixer bowl. With the dough hook attachment, knead on low speed until the dough pulls away from the sides—about 5 to 8 minutes. You can also mix the dough by hand if you don’t have a stand mixer, but it might take slightly longer.
Grease a bowl (you can use the same one you mixed the dry ingredients in) and place the dough in it. Cover with a cloth. Let it rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about an hour.

Clean the bowl of your stand mixer and place all the ingredients of the filling in it. Beat with the paddle attachment on medium speed for a minute or two, until it can be easily spread.


Prepare a baking sheet and line it with parchment paper. On a clean floured surface, place the dough and divide it in 4 equal pieces.
With a rolling pin, roll each piece of dough in a 9” diameter circle. Spread 1/3 of the filling on a first piece of dough. Place it on the parchment paper. Spread another third of the filling on a second piece of dough and place it on top of the first one. Repeat with a third piece of dough and top with the fourth, leaving it bare. You should now have four levels of dough with three layers of filling.
Trim the edge of the stack to form a neat circle. Use a small jar and place it in the middle of the stack of dough, imprinting a small circle. With a knife or a bench scraper, from the edge of the small imprinted circle, cut the stack of dough in 16 equal strips.
With your hands, grab two neighboring strips and twist them away from each other twice. Pinch the ends of the pair of twisted stripes together to seal them. Repeat with all the stripes.
Cover again with the cloth and let it rise until it’s nice and puffy, check on it once in a while. It took me about another hour.
While it’s rising, heat the oven to 350°F. When it’s ready to go in the oven, make an egg wash by mixing the egg yolk and milk in a small bowl and brush the whole bread with it. Pop it in the oven for 20-25 minutes, until it’s golden.
Let cool for 10-15 minutes before serving. Dust with powdered sugar. Pieces can be easily pulled apart.



1/2 tsp saffron threads

150ml milk plus a few tablespoons extra

25g fresh yeast

450g plain flour

1/2 tsp salt

60g castor sugar

half a nutmeg, grated

1/2 tsp cinnamon

120g unsalted butter, taken out of the fridge half an hour before use

100g currants

2 tbsp castor sugar, for glaze


Pre-heat oven to 200C.

Put the saffron threads onto a non-stick tray and in the oven to roast for no more than 5 minutes.

In a pot or microwave, heat the milk so that it is lukewarm. Crush the saffron threads between your fingers and sprinkle into a cup. Add 2 tablespoons of the warm milk and set aside to infuse.

Crumble the fresh yeast into a small bowl, add a pinch of sugar and the warm milk. Whisk with a fork until combined. Cover and place in a warm, draught-free place for 20 minutes or until a light froth has formed on top. Sift flour and salt into a large bowl. Add the sugar and spices and rub in the finely chopped butter until it resembles course crumbs. Make a well and pour in the yeast and saffron liquid.

Knead gently until smooth and forming a ball.

Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover and allow to rise again in a warm place for 1½ to 2 hours – or until the dough has almost doubled in size.

Add the currants to the dough and knead together on a floured surface until combined. Shape into a loaf and put into a well-greased loaf tin. Cover and rise again for half an hour before baking for about 35 minutes or until golden brown on top (check it at 30 minutes).

Mix together 2 tablespoons of milk and 2 tablespoons castor sugar and while loaf is still warm, brush with mixture.

Leave to cool a little before turning out.



100g of caster sugar
300g of orange juice
100g of honey
1 orange, segmented with each segment cut into thirds
160g of milk
160g of cream
1 pinch of saffron
40g of honey
40g of egg yolks
8g of gelatine leaves, soaked in cold water
240g of whipping cream, whipped
400g of milk
400g of cream
4g of orange zest
80g of egg yolks
40g of caster sugar
6g of orange blossom water
10g of glycerine
30g of ice cream stabiliser
60g of butter
75g of soft light brown sugar
5g of golden syrup
10g of egg yolks
7g of milk
90g of plain flour
1g of baking powder
45g of pecan nuts, chopped
50g of dates, chopped
200g of dates, deseeded and roughly chopped
100ml of prune juice
100ml of orange juice
125ml of whipping cream
1 pinch of saffron
100g of pistachio nut
20g of sugar
10ml of water
50g of sugar
8g of gelatine leaves, soaked in cold water
50g of honey
200g of orange juice
50g of concentrated passion fruit purée
8g of ultratex
2g of orange blossom water
150ml of water
2 oranges, zest cut into julienne
300g of sugar
150ml of water
toasted pine nuts
4 dates, cut into slivers
edible flowers, such as yellow nasturtium


1-First make the caramelised oranges as these need to marinate overnight. Add the caster sugar to a pan and place over a moderate heat. Allow to caramelise slightly, then gradually add in the orange juice to form a syrup
100g of caster sugar
300g of orange juice

2-In a separate pan, add the honey and heat this through until starting to smoke. Pour in the orange syrup and bring to the boil. Place the orange segments in a bowl and pour over the hot orange and honey syrup. Allow to cool, then cover and leave to marinate overnight
100g of honey
1 orange, segmented with each segment cut into thirds

3-For the saffron mousse, add the milk and cream to a pan and bring to a simmer. Remove from the heat, then add the saffron and leave to infuse for 5 minutes. Transfer to a blender and blitz until the mixture is an even yellow colour
160g of milk
160g of cream
1 pinch of saffron

4-In a separate pan, heat the honey until it starts to caramelise and pour in the saffron cream. Stir well to deglaze the caramel from the bottom of the pan, then increase the heat slightly and bring the mixture up to the boil. Lightly whisk the egg yolk in a bowl and pour over the hot saffron cream, whisking continuously to combine
40g of honey
40g of egg yolks

5-Return the mixture to the pan and heat to 83°C, then remove from the heat. Squeeze any excess water from the gelatine leaves and add them to the pan, leaving the mixture to cool to 35°C. Gently fold in the whipped cream until well combined, then carefully spoon or pipe the mousse into the dome moulds and freeze for at least 8 hours
8g of gelatine leaves, soaked in cold water
240g of whipping cream, whipped

6-Meanwhile, make the ice cream. Place the milk, cream and orange zest into a large pan and bring to a boil over a moderate heat. Remove from the heat and strain through a fine sieve, then measure out 800g and set aside
400g of milk
400g of cream
4g of orange zest

7-Whisk together the egg yolks, caster sugar, orange blossom water, glycerine and ice cream stabiliser in a large bowl. Pour a quarter of the hot cream over the egg yolk mixture and whisk well to combine, then pour the mixture back into the pan along with the remaining hot cream
80g of egg yolks
40g of caster sugar
6g of orange blossom water
10g of glycerine
30g of ice cream stabiliser

8-Place the pan back over a moderate heat and, stirring continuously, heat until the mixture reaches 83°C. Pass through a sieve into a sealable container and chill in the fridge overnight – this will allow the mixture to thicken. Once chilled, transfer to an ice cream maker and churn, reserving in the freezer until ready to serve

9-To make the cookie crumb cream together the butter, sugar and golden syrup in a bowl and mix in the egg yolk and milk. Sieve in the flour and baking powder together, then stir well until fully incorporated
60g of butter
75g of soft light brown sugar
5g of golden syrup
10g of egg yolks
7g of milk
90g of plain flour
1g of baking powder

10-Mix in the chopped pecans and dates and bring the mixture together on a floured surface to form a dough. Wrap well in cling film and chill in the fridge for an hour to firm up
50g of dates, chopped
45g of pecan nuts, chopped

11-While the dough is chilling, make the date compote by placing all the ingredients into a pan and placing over a moderate heat. Bring to a simmer and cook for 15–20 minutes until soft, taking care not to let the mixture boil, then leave to cool and refrigerate until ready to serve
200g of dates, deseeded and roughly chopped
100ml of prune juice
100ml of orange juice

12-For the saffron cream, add the cream to a small pan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and add the saffron, leaving the mixture to infuse for 5 minutes. Transfer to a blender and blitz until it turns a consistent bright yellow colour, then leave to cool and refrigerate until required
125ml of whipping cream
1 pinch of saffron

13-For the crystalised pistachios mix together the sugar and water in a pan to form a mixture with a similar consistency to wet sand. Place over a moderate heat and shake the pan while the sugar starts to dissolve, continuously moving the pan so the sugar keeps re-crystalising as the water evaporates
20g of sugar
10ml of water

14-Add the pistachios to the pan and toss to coat in the sugar mixture. Once the sugar looks to be drying and crystalising around the nuts, remove from the heat and tip out on to a piece of greaseproof paper to cool. Store in an airtight container until serving
100g of pistachio nut

15-Preheat the oven to 160°C/gas mark 3

16-Once the cookie dough is firm and chilled roll it out on a floured surface to form a thin sheet, then place on a lined baking tray and bake for 15 minutes until crisp and golden. Allow to cool, then roughly chop or crumble the cookie to form a chunky granola-like consistency. Store in an airtight container until ready to serve

17-For the orange confit, place the zest into a small pan and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil, then drain and repeat twice more to soften the zest. Combine the sugar and 150ml of water in another pan and allow the sugar to dissolve over a moderate heat
2 oranges, zest cut into julienne
300g of sugar
150ml of water

18-Add the zest to the syrup and simmer until the zest is very tender and almost translucent, but still holding its shape. Strain off the syrup and spread out the zest strands on greaseproof paper to cool until required

19-Just before serving make the orange glaze. Add the 50g of sugar to a pan with 50ml of the water. Place over a moderate heat and allow the sugar to dissolve to create a syrup. In a separate pan, heat the remaining 100ml of water and add the gelatine leaves. Heat until dissolved, then mix with the sugar syrup and set aside
50g of sugar
150ml of water
8g of gelatine leaves, soaked in cold water

20-In a separate pan, add the honey and cook until starting to caramelise, then pour in the orange juice and passion fruit purée and stir well to deglaze the pan. Add the gelatine syrup, mix well and bring everything to the boil. Remove from the heat and blend in the ultratex and orange blossom water, then pass through a fine sieve into a clean bowl and allow to cool to 30°C
50g of honey
200g of orange juice
50g of concentrated passion fruit purée
8g of ultratex
2g of orange blossom water

21-While the glaze is cooling slightly, remove the saffron cream from the fridge and whip until firm. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle. Remove the mousse domes from the freezer, run under cold water and carefully remove the domes from the silicone moulds. Place on a wire rack with a tray underneath

22-Blitz the glaze with a hand blender until really smooth. Spoon the glaze evenly over the mousse domes to coat completely, letting it run down the sides until you have an even layer. Leave the glaze to set for a few moments while you gather the ice cream and garnishes ready for plating, then transfer the domes carefully to serving plates

23-To serve, spoon a little of the compote across each plate and top with the crumble, sprinkling a larger circle of crumble next to the dome. Top this with a quenelle of the orange ice cream and pipe small mounds of the whipped saffron cream around the plate. Dot with pieces of the caramelised oranges, orange confit and crystalised pistachios, garnishing with a few toasted pine nuts, date slivers and edible flowers
toasted pine nuts
4 dates, cut into slivers
edible flowers, such as yellow nasturtium



500g chilled puff pastry
450g leeks, trimmed and cut into matchstick-sized pieces
Clove of garlic
25g butter
1 tbsp light and mild olive oil
225g scallops, halved horizontally
2 tbsp fresh chopped flat leaf parsley
Light sprinkling of sea salt and ground black pepper

For the hollandaise
200ml crème fraiche
4g sachet saffron strands
15g butter
1 tsp cornflour blended with 1 tbsp cold water
1 tbsp white balsamic vinegar

Sprigs of flat leaf parsley and lime wedges to garni

Individual puff pastry tarts filled with oven-caramelised leek and scallops. Delicious as an indulgent first course with a light salad garnish
Preparation: 20 minutes
Cooking: 15–20 minutes

Cut the pastry block into four even squares. Roll each out to the thickness of a £1 coin and cut into rounds using a 14cm saucer as a template. Place onto a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Gently pan sweat the leeks and garlic in the butter and olive oil for 2–3 minutes without colouring. Add scallops and parsley and cook for a further 2 minutes (no longer as the scallops will toughen). Season generously.

Spoon mix onto pastry rounds leaving a clear 2cm pastry border. Oven cook at 200C until the pastry has risen and is golden and the leeks have started to caramelise to a golden brown. Meanwhile prepare the saffron hollandaise. Melt the butter in a small solid based pan and add saffron. Sweat for a minute until the saffron starts to colour the butter. Stir in the remaining ingredients until the sauce starts to simmer. Turn to a low heat and keep warm.

Serve tarts drizzled with the saffron hollandaise and garnished with flat leaf parsley and lime.



8 ounces dried spaghetti noodles

4 – 5 slices turkey or regular bacon

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

3 medium zucchini (about 1–1/2 pounds) *

1 teaspoon saffron threads, snipped into fine pieces

3/4 cup heavy cream

1 teaspoon Rain’s Choice pure Vanilla Extract

1/2 – 3/4 cup good quality Parmesan cheese plus more for serving


Cook the pasta according to package directions. Drain, but save about 1/2 cup of pasta water. Set aside.

While pasta cooks, cook bacon in a cast iron skillet or heavy bottomed skillet. When crisp set aside to cool.

Put saffron into a small cup, add 1/4 cup of the pasta water and allow it to steep.

Add olive oil to skillet and saute zucchini noodles, lifting with a fork or tongs to coat completely. Add cream and increase heat to medium-high. When cream comes to a boil, remove immediately from heat. Add vanilla, saffron water, and then spaghetti and blend with the zucchini using 2 forks. Add the bacon a little at a time and blend Sprinkle all ingredients with Parmesan cheese, and toss the noodles, zoodles and bacon until they are coated with the cheese. Add last of the reserved pasta water until the dish becomes very creamy.

Pour all onto a serving platter (or serve from the skillet) with extra cheese at the table.

Use a spiralizer if you have one. If not, use a specialty peeler to create zoodles out of the zucchini. If you can’t find this tool, use the largest holes of a grater and grate the zucchini. Use all of the zucchini except the center core with seeds to make zoodles.



2 cups dry white wine
4 bay leaves
4 pounds small mussels, scrubbed and de-bearded
Pinch of saffron threads
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 garlic clove, thinly sliced
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Salt and freshly ground pepper
minced parsley, to taste

In a large pot, combine the wine with the bay leaves and bring to a boil. Add the mussels, cover and cook over high heat, shaking the pan a few times, until the mussels open, about 5 minutes. Drain the mussels in a colander set over a medium bowl. Pour the mussel broth into a glass measure. Crumble the saffron into the hot mussel broth. Reserve.

Discard any unopened mussels. Remove the mussels from their shells and place in a separate bowl. Pour the melted butter over the mussels and toss to coat. Cover with plastic wrap.

Heat the olive oil in a large skillet. Add the thinly sliced garlic and cook over low heat just it gets some color. If you prefer, remove the garlic, if not, leave it in, and add the crushed red pepper, cooking together for one minute. Slowly pour in the reserved mussel broth, stopping when you reach the grit at the bottom of the glass measure. Add the lemon juice and simmer over moderately high heat until the sauce is reduced to about 1 cup, about 8 minutes.

In a large pot of boiling, salted water, cook the pasta just until al dente. Drain the pasta well. Add the buttered mussels and the hot spaghetti to the mussel sauce and toss over low heat until the pasta is uniformly coated. Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.



380 g di spaghetti di riso nero

250 g di piselli freschi sgusciati

100 g di pecorino

1 bustina di Zaffy biologico in polvere

1 noce di burro

4 cucchiai di latte

1 scalogno

sale, pepe

Tritate lo scalogno e fatelo rosolare in padella con dell’olio evo. Aggiungete i piselli precedentemente lavati ed asciugati e proseguite la rosolatura per un paio di minuti. Coprite con dell’acqua e lasciate cuocere per 15/20 minuti, fino a cottura, regolando di sale e pepe a piacere.

Quando i piselli sono quasi pronti preparate la crema di parmigiano e mettete a bollire l’acqua per gli spaghetti.

In un piccolo pentolino fate sciogliere il burro, aggiungete il pecorino grattugiato e aggiungete a poco a poco il latte, fino a formare una fonduta. Unitevi lo zafferano Zaffy e mescolate bene.

Scolate gli spaghetti, ci vorranno solo 4/5 minuti di cottura e fateli saltare nella pentola dei piselli.

Disponete la crema di pecorino e zafferano sui piatti e completate con spaghetti e piselli. Date un piccolo giro di olio evo e servite.



180 gm honey
¼ tsp saffron threads
6 leaves of gelatine (titanium strength)
290 gm sugar
8 apricots, halved and stones removed
½ lemon, zested rind and juice only
110 gm (½ cup) caster sugar
125 ml (½ cup) corn syrup
2 tsp golden syrup
1 tsp white vinegar
10 gm bicarbonate of soda


You’ll need to start this recipe a day ahead.

Combine honey, half the saffron and 180ml water in a saucepan over medium-high heat and stir until honey dissolves. Bring to the boil, then remove from heat. Soak half the gelatine in cold water until soft, then squeeze excess water from gelatine and add to honey mixture. Stir until gelatine dissolves, pour into a 2½ cup-capacity jelly mould and refrigerate until firm (about 4 hours).

Combine 70gm sugar and ¼ cup water in a small saucepan over medium-high heat and stir until sugar dissolves, bring to the boil, then remove from heat. Soak remaining leaves of gelatine in cold water until soft. Squeeze excess water from gelatine, add to syrup and stir until gelatine dissolves, then transfer to a food processor. Add half the apricot and process until smooth, then pass through a sieve into a bowl. Pour over honey jelly and refrigerate until set (about 3 hours).

Combine remaining sugar and saffron, lemon juice and rind and ¾ cup water in a saucepan over medium-high heat and stir until sugar dissolves, bring to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer until lemon rind is tender (about 5 minutes). Add remaining apricots and cook, turning occasionally, until just tender (about 5 minutes). Cool completely.

For honeycomb, combine sugar, corn syrup, golden syrup and vinegar in a saucepan over medium-high heat and stir until sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil and cook until mixture reaches 150C on a sugar thermometer. Remove from heat, add bicarbonate of soda and stir to combine (mixture will fluff up quickly), then pour onto a lightly oiled oven tray and stand until cool (about 30 minutes). Break into shards and store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

To serve, dip jelly mould briefly in boiling water and, using your fingertips, gently pull jelly away from sides of mould (this will break the vacuum). Place a platter over mould, quickly invert and carefully remove mould. Serve with poached apricots and syrup and honeycomb to the side.



Saffron aioli

  • 1 pinch saffron threads
  • 2 free-range egg yolks
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
  • 1 clove sweet roasted garlic
  • 200ml olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ lemon

Zucchini fritters

  • 3 zucchini
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 2 cloves sweet roasted garlic
  • 100 g crumbled feta
  • ½ bunch flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped
  • 4 springs of mint leaves, roughly chopped
  • finely grated zest of 1 lemon
  • 100g butter
  • 120ml milk
  • 150g (1 cup) flour
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • vegetable oil for deep frying


To make the saffron aioli, soak the saffron in 2 tablespoons of warm water to draw out the colour and flavour. Saffron is soluble in water but not oil, so this needs to be dome before you add it to the aioli. Using a blender, mix together the egg yolks, mustard, vinegar and garlic. Drizzle in the love oil very slowly, drop by drop, blending continually. Once the aioli starts to thicken, add the oil in a s low, steady stream. When all the oil has been added, mix in the saffron water and salt. Finish with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Store in the fridge while preparing the remaining ingredients.

Sprinkle the grated zucchini with the sea salt and allow to stand for 20 minutes. The salt will draw moisture from the zucchini.

To make a choux paste, fill a medium saucepan with 120ml of water, then add the butter and milk. Bring to the boil and cook until the butter has melted. Add the flour and stir well. The flour will thicken and form a paste. Continue to cook, stirring continually, until the paste does away from the side of the pan. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool for 20 minutes.

Place the paste into a metal bowl, and using an electric mixer beat in the eggs one at a time. Beat for 5 minutes until very smooth and glossy.

After 20minutes, place the zucchini mixture in a clean tea towel. Bring the corners together and twist. This will remove any excess liquid. Mix the zucchini with the choir paste. Add in the garlic, eschalots, feta, chopped herbs and lemon zest.

half-fill a deep-fryer or saucepan with vegetable oil and heat to 170°C. Using 2 dessert spoons, form the mixture into oval shaped quenelle shapes. Spoon the mixture directly onto the hot oil and fry for about 3-4 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Remove the fritters from the oil and drain on a paper towel.

Garnish the fritters with dill, sliced apple and crumbled walnuts if desired. Serve on a plate with saffron aioli on the side.



1 and 1/3 cups SunRice Basmati Rice
12 chicken drumsticks
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 – 3 tbsp vegetable oil
500ml chicken stock
Ground saffron, pinch
2 handfuls spinach
1/2 papaya, finely sliced, seeds reserved
1 pomegranate, seeds removed
2 tbsp chopped pistachios

1. Cook SunRice Basmati Rice as per pack instructions.

2. Heat the oven to 180 degrees celcius (160 in a fan oven), and line a baking tray with grease-proof paper.

3. Place the chicken drumsticks on the baking tray. Mix the honey with the lemon juice, a little salt and the oil, and brush all over the drumsticks. Bake in the oven for around 25 minutes until golden brown, brushing with marinade and turning occasionally.

4. Meanwhile bring the stock to the boil with a pinch of saffron and a little salt. Add the rice to the stock. Cover and simmer over a low heat for around 20 minutes.

5. Mix the spinach, papaya flesh and seeds through the rice.

6. Season to taste with salt and ground black pepper and arrange on dishes.

7. Place the chicken drumsticks on top, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and pistachios and serve.




1kg small black mussels
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ large brown onion, sliced thinly
1 clove garlic, roughly chopped
1 sprig rosemary
½ cup (125ml) dry white wine
pinch saffron
3 small ripe plum tomatoes, roughly chopped
salt and black pepper
½ bunch chives, roughly chopped


Scrub mussels and remove beards. Set aside.

Heat a large saucepan until very hot. Add oil, onion and garlic and cook 1-2 minutes until vegetables have softened and lightly coloured.

Add mussels, wine, rosemary and saffron; cover and cook 5-8 minutes over high heat or until all mussels have opened.

Stir in chives, a little salt and plenty of freshly ground black pepper.

Serve immediately with soda bread and butter.



1 liter (7-8 cups) chicken stock
2 tbs olive oil
50g butter
2 large size brown onions, finely diced
2 cups Arborio rice
250ml (1 cup) dry white wine
pinch saffron threads, soaked in 1 tbs cold water overnight, or snipped with scissors and soaked 1-2 hours in same amount of water
1 tbs butter, extra
50g Pecorino Romano cheese, finely grated
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
80g Parmesan cheese, finely grated, to garnish
½ cup flat leaf parsley, chopped finely


In a large pot, bring stock to the boil, reduce heat and simmer.

Heat another large, wide, high-sided (non-reactive) pot.

Over a medium heat, add olive oil and butter. When butter has just melted, add onions and cook until soft (4-5 minutes).

Add Arborio rice, stir to coat in the onion butter, and cook (1-2 minutes) until slightly translucent. Add wine, stir to combine and evaporate.

Reduce heat (to a medium-low) and begin adding stock, a ladle or two at a time (just enough to cover rice and keep moist), then sprinkle rice with soaked saffron threads and accompanying water.

Continue adding stock in intervals, (20-25 minutes) until rice is ‘almost done’.

As the last of the stock is being absorbed, add extra butter and Pecorino cheese. Stir briefly to combine and season lightly. Remove from heat, cover with lid rest (5 minutes) before serving.

Serve in large bowls, garnish with Parmesan cheese and chopped parsley.



¼ g saffron (two generous pinches)
3 Tbsp coconut oil
2 shallots, chopped
½ tsp turmeric, ground
½ tsp fennel, ground
½ tsp long pepper, ground
1 hint nutmeg, grated or mace, ground
¼ cup sherry
1 cup fish or chicken stock
1 coconut milk
2 Tbsp creamed coconut
1 Tbsp orange blossom water or ½ tsp orange zest, grated
4 Tbsp chives, chopped, for garnish


1-Place saffron in a small glass and pour 3 tablespoons boiling water on top. Set aside.

2-Pour oil in a pot, add shallots, and heat on medium. Sauté for 2 minutes. Add spices to the pot and cook 1 minute more.

3-Pour in sherry, saffron infusion, and stock. Reduce by half.

4-Add coconut milk. Bring to a boil. Incorporate creamed coconut and simmer 5 minutes more, stirring regularly.

5-Add a little water or coconut milk if the sauce is too thick. Taste and salt if needed. Incorporate orange blossom water and chives just before serving.



1 liter fish stock
1 tsp saffron threads, dry roasted
500 gm kipfler potatoes, peeled and cut into 2cm pieces
4 bulbs of baby fennel, halved lengthways
4 snapper fillets (about 200gm each), skin on and pin-boned
2 tbsp olive oil
180 gm balsamic cipollini onions (see note)
Green olive dressing
2 tbsp green olive tapenade
1 wedge of preserved lemon, rinsed and finely chopped
1 tbsp salted capers, soaked for 10 minutes and drained
1 green shallot, finely chopped
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil


Place fish stock in a large saucepan and bring to the boil over high heat, season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, add saffron and simmer for 2 minutes or until stock is coloured, then add potatoes, reduce heat to low and simmer gently for 10 minutes. Add fennel and cook for another 10 minutes or until vegetables are tender, then drain, discard stock and cool slightly.

Score snapper skin and season to taste. Heat olive oil in a large frying pan, add snapper, skin-side down, cook for 3 minutes on each side or until just cooked through.

For green olive dressing, place all ingredients in a small bowl, season to taste, then stir to combine. Pour half the dressing over potatoes and fennel, add onion and stir gently to combine.

Spoon vegetables onto plates, top with snapper fillets, spoon over remaining green olive dressing and serve immediately.




  • 250 ml (1 cup) tomato sugo (see note)
  • Pinch of saffron threads
  • Pinch of smoked paprika
  • 200 gm orzo (see note)
  • 500 gm (about 8 bugs) Moreton Bay bug meat, cut into 3cm pieces
  • 1 bulb of baby fennel, thinly sliced
  • 160 gm (1 cup) podded peas (about 400gm unpodded), blanched
  • ¼ cup each of finely chopped basil, chives and flat-leaf parsley
  • 20 gm butter
  • To taste: lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 500 gm (about 12) cuttlefish, cleaned, inside flesh scored
  • To serve: lemon cheeks


  • 1.5 litres fish stock
  • 1 stalk of lemon grass, coarsely chopped
  • 1 small red chilli, coarsely chopped
  • ¾ cup coarsely chopped coriander stalks and roots
  • 1 clove of garlic, coarsely chopped
  • 3 cm piece of ginger, thinly sliced


For broth, combine all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat, bring to the boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 20-30 minutes, then strain into a bowl, discarding solids.

In a heavy-based saucepan, combine 1 litre of broth, tomato sugo, saffron and smoked paprika and bring to the boil over medium heat. Add orzo, return to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes or until al dente. Add bug meat, fennel, peas and herbs, cook for 2 minutes and season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. If too thick, dilute with remaining broth. Add butter and lemon juice to taste.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan over high heat and cook cuttlefish for 1-2 minutes or until cooked through and golden, then cut into 1cm slices.

To serve, ladle broth into bowls, arrange cuttlefish on top and serve immediately with lemon cheeks passed separately.



  • 60 ml (¼ cup) olive oil
  • 2 large Spanish onions, thinly sliced
  • 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • ½ teaspoon cardamom seeds, lightly crushed
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano
  • 6 jumbo quail (180-200gm each), legs tied
  • 150 gm dried chickpeas, soaked overnight in cold water, or 200gm canned chickpeas
  • 4 baby carrots, trimmed and halved widthways
  • ⅓ cup oregano leaves
  • 8 thyme sprigs
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 300 ml good-quality chicken stock
  • 2 tablespoons currants
  • Squeeze of lemon juice

Saffron liquid

  • 30 saffron threads
  • 60 ml (¼ cup) boiling water


“I love these plump little game birds, and their succulent flesh is ideal for slow-braising in a fragrant, herby sauce such as this. The carrots and currants combine to add an enticing sweetness. Easy to make, it’s an impressive dinner-party dish.” If you are using dried chickpeas, you will need to begin this recipe a day ahead.

To make the saffron liquid, lightly toast the saffron threads in a dry frying pan over a medium heat for about 30 seconds. While the threads must be totally dry, be very careful not to burn them. As they crisp up, they will begin to release a wonderfully pungent aroma. Tip the saffron into a mortar and leave for a moment or two before grinding to a powder. Mix the ground saffron with the boiling water and set aside to infuse for at least 1 hour before using. The colour will continue to develop for about 12 hours.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan or casserole dish over a low heat. Add the onion and garlic and fry gently until soft and translucent (8-10 minutes). Stir in the cardamom seeds and dried oregano and cook for another couple of minutes. Lift the mixture out of the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside.

Season the quail with salt and pepper. Add a little more oil to the pan, if need be, and brown the quail thoroughly (10-12 minutes). Drain the soaked chickpeas (rinse and drain the canned ones, if using). Return the onion mixture to the pan and add the chickpeas, carrot and fresh herbs. Pour in the stock and 2-3 tablespoons saffron liquid or to taste (you may have some left over). Bring to the boil, then lower the heat, cover the pan, and simmer very gently until the quail and onions are very tender and the chickpeas are cooked (1-1½ hours). From time to time, skim away any impurities that rise to the surface.

Towards the end of the cooking time, add the currants to the pan. Simmer for a further 4-5 minutes, then season with salt to your liking and stir in the lemon juice. Serve straight away.



  • 60 ml (¼ cup) olive oil
  • 2 small onions, finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 2 fresh bay leaves
  • 2 large tomatoes, finely chopped
  • 60 gm jamón or prosciutto, finely chopped
  • 300 gm vongole, soaked in cold water for 10 minutes, drained
  • 90 gm medium-grain rice, such as Calasparra
  • 120 ml dry white wine
  • 1 pinch of saffron threads
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 12 medium green prawns, peeled, cleaned, tails intact
  • ¼ cup finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • To serve: crusty bread


Prep time 15 mins, cook 20 mins (plus soaking)

Heat olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat, add onion, garlic and bay leaves and sauté until onion is soft and translucent (3-5 minutes). Add tomato and jamón, increase heat to high and cook until almost all liquid evaporates (5 minutes). Remove from heat and set aside.

Meanwhile, bring 1.8 litres of water to the boil in a large saucepan over high heat. Add vongole and cook, covered, until vongole open (1-2 minutes), then remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.

Strain cooking liquid through a fine sieve and return to pan. Add rice, wine, saffron, lemon juice and reserved tomato mixture and bring to the boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer until rice is just tender (8-10 minutes), adding vongole, prawns and parsley in the final 2 minutes of cooking. Season to taste and serve immediately with crusty bread.


This sweet Persian rice pudding called sholeh zard is made with three distinct ingredients: saffron, cardamom and rosewater. It’s delicate in flavor but so deeply aromatic that it’s hard to stop eating it.


1 cup jasmine rice 
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 1/2 cups sugar
6 tablespoons Brewed Saffron (see Note)
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
3 green cardamom pods, lightly cracked
2 tablespoons pure rosewater, preferably
Ground cinnamon and slivered almonds, for garnish 

How to Make It

Step 1
In a large bowl, cover the rice with water. Using your hand, agitate the rice to release the starch, then carefully pour off the water. Rinse the rice 5 to 7 more times, until the water runs clear. Cover the rice with water and refrigerate overnight. Drain, then coarsely crumble with your hands. 

Step 2
In a large nonstick saucepan, combine the crumbled rice with 9 cups of water and the salt and bring to a boil. Simmer over moderately low heat, stirring frequently, until the rice is softened, about 30 minutes. 

Step 3
Stir the sugar, brewed saffron, butter and cardamom into the rice. Cover and simmer over moderately low heat, stirring occasionally, until the rice breaks down and the pudding is the texture of loose porridge, 20 to 30 minutes; discard the cardamom pods. Stir in the rosewater. Spoon the pudding into 8 glasses and let cool slightly. Cover the glasses with plastic and refrigerate until thickened, about 1 hour.

Step 4
Decorate the puddings with cinnamon and slivered almonds. Let stand at room temperature for 25 minutes before serving. 

Make Ahead
The puddings can be refrigerated overnight. Let stand at room temperature for 25 minutes before serving.



1 quart water
1 bottle dry white wine
3/4 cup honey One
3-inch piece of fresh ginger, thinly sliced
5 cardamom pods, lightly crushed
3 allspice berries
2 cinnamon sticks
2 star anise pods
1 stalk of lemongrass, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon saffron threads
1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
1/4 teaspoon hot sauce
1 1/2 lemons, thinly sliced
1/2 cup packed mint leaves

How to Make It

Step 1
In a large saucepan, combine the water with the wine, honey, ginger, cardamom, allspice, cinnamon, star anise, lemongrass, saffron, peppercorns, fennel seeds, hot sauce and half of the lemon slices and bring to a boil. Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate until chilled.

Step 2
In a large pitcher, lightly crush the mint with a wooden spoon. Add the chilled mixture and stir. Strain the cooler before serving. Garnish with the remaining lemon slices and serve.




  • ¾ oz  Saffron Liqueur
  • 2 oz  Cognac
  • ½ oz  Lemon Juice
  • ¼ oz  Simple Syrup
  • 1 dash  Orange Bitters


  • 1. Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake.
  • 2. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
  • 3. Garnish with an orange twist.



  • 8 quince, unpeeled
  • 750 g caster sugar
  • 3 cinnamon quills, coarsely broken
  • 3 each star anise and cloves
  • 2 vanilla beans, split, seeds scraped
  • 2 white peppercorns
  • To serve: coarsely chopped pistachios

Saffron custard

  • 200 ml double cream
  • ½ teaspoon saffron threads
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 40 g caster sugar
  • 1¼ teaspoon cornflour
  • Pinch of finely grated nutmeg, or to taste


Prep time 25 mins, cook 12 hrs 30 mins

“Dark quinces, green pistachios, yellow custard – spectacular. It’s like you’re in Provence.” You’ll need to begin this recipe a day ahead.

Peel and halve quince, remove cores (reserve skin and cores) and place in acidulated water until required.

Combine reserved peel and cores with sugar, spices and 2 litres water in a large saucepan, stir over medium-high heat until sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil, cook until ruby-coloured and infused (25-30 minutes), then strain (reserve syrup and solids separately).

Preheat oven to 80°C or lowest setting. Place quince in a deep roasting pan large enough to fit snugly in a single layer, then cover closely with a layer of muslin or baking paper. Pour over syrup, spread reserved skins and cores over the top, cover with a double layer of foil and roast until tender and rosy in colour (10-12 hours). Remove and discard foil, skin, cores and muslin.

For saffron custard, bring cream and saffron to the simmer in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Meanwhile, whisk yolks, sugar and cornflour in a bowl to combine. Add cream mixture, whisk to combine, then return to pan and stir continuously over low heat until mixture thickly coats the back of a wooden spoon (2-3 minutes). Strain into a bowl over ice, add nutmeg to taste and whisk occasionally until chilled.

Serve with slow-baked quince and a little syrup, scattered with pistachios.



good pinch good-quality saffron threads
2 tablespoons warm water
3 cups (750 ml) strained fresh orange juice
1 cup (250ml) water
2 cups (440g) sugar
1 vanilla bean, split lengthways
2 star anise
8 firm ripe beurre bosc or corella pears, stems still attached, if possible
extra water (optional)


Soak the saffron in the water for 30 minutes.

Make the poaching liquid by combining the orange juice, water and sugar in a medium heavy-based saucepan. Stir over a medium heat until sugar dissolves. Add the vanilla bean, star anise and saffron mixture.

Peel and core the pears. Add the pears to the poaching liquid. Add a little extra water just to cover them if necessary. Bring to a simmer and then poach gently over a low heat, about 30 minutes, turning occasionally to colour evenly, until very tender but not falling apart – the time will vary depending on the ripeness of the fruit.

Remove from heat. Leave the pears in the syrup, turning occasionally so they colour evenly, until ready to eat. Serve with lemon mascarpone.



For the saffron & garlic paste
3 whole heads garlic
150ml good olive oil , plus extra for drizzling
few good pinches of flaky sea salt
50ml Pernod
good pinch of saffron strands
For the soup
1 fennel bulb
4 celery sticks
1 onion
1 red chilli , seeds left in
2 tbsp olive oil
4 garlic cloves
2 tbsp fennel seeds
pinch of saffron
2 bay leaves
50ml Pernod
200ml white wine
750ml passata
3 grey mullet fillets (about 500g in total), skin on, cut into large chunks
300g gurnard fillets, skin on, cut into large chunks
200g prepared squid and tentacles, cleaned and cut into rings
juice 1 lemon
4 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley , plus extra to serve
toasted slices of baguette , to serve


Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. To make the saffron and garlic paste, cut the whole heads of garlic in half horizontally. Place the garlic heads, cut-side up, on a small baking tray. Drizzle over a little olive oil and season with salt. Cover with foil and bake for 40-50 mins until softened. Remove the foil and return to the oven for a further 15-20 mins until the garlic has turned golden brown.

Meanwhile, make the soup base. Chop the fennel, celery and onion into small dice and thinly slice the red chilli. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and add the chopped vegetables. Grate the garlic into the pan and add the fennel seeds. Stir well, then cover and sweat for 10 mins. Add the saffron and bay leaves, and cook for a further 10 mins until the vegetables start to soften. Pour in the Pernod and wine, bring to the boil, then add the passata and 400ml water. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down to a simmer. Cover and cook for 45 mins until all of the flavours have started to work together, then remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool a little.

Transfer the soup to a jug blender and blend until smooth, then pass through a fine sieve into a clean saucepan – you may need to do this in batches. If the soup needs thickening, reduce over a medium heat. When it is the consistency of pouring cream, remove from the heat and set aside, or leave to cool and chill in the fridge until needed. The base of the soup can be made 3 days ahead.

Meanwhile, for the paste, pour the Pernod into a small saucepan and add the saffron. Bring to the boil, add the olive oil and warm gently. Take off the heat and leave to cool.

When the garlic is golden brown, remove the tray from the oven and squeeze the cloves out into the bowl of a pestle and mortar. Add a large pinch of flaky sea salt and pound to a paste. Slowly add the saffron-infused olive oil, stirring constantly. Transfer to a clean container and chill until needed.

Bring the soup base to the boil in a large pan, then turn down to a light simmer and taste for seasoning. Add the chunks of prepared fish and squid, and gently poach the fish in the soup for 10 mins, or until it is just cooked. Remove from the heat and stir in the lemon juice and parsley. Ladle the soup into bowls, piling up the fish in the centre. Spoon on the saffron and garlic paste and sprinkle over some more parsley. Serve with toasted slices of baguette and the extra saffron and garlic paste on the side.



1.5 ounces of Genius Gin
1 lime, (½ juiced and ½ used for garnish)
8 ounces of tonic water
1 cup of ice
2.5 tablespoons of saffron syrup* (Recipe can be found here)
Garnish: pinch of saffron and ½ of lime


In a mixing glass add gin, saffron syrup, and lime juice
Stir mixture then add tonic water, stir again
Add ice to serving glass then pour mixture over ice
Garnish with a pinch of saffron and lime




4shots Saffron Espresso + frothed milk
1Pinch ground saffron


1-Prepare 4 shots of espresso with saffron, and allow them to cool.
2-Fill 4 whiskey tumblers each with 1 cl of Baileys and add 1 shot of espresso each.
3-Top up with cold frothed milk and sprinkle with a pinch of saffron.



7g ground coffee 

1⁄2teaspoon ground cinnamon

1pinch saffron 

pure water (for 1 cup of coffee)
honey (sugar  Optional)


1-Add the coffee, cinnamon and saffron to your coffee pot or Ibrik. Stir the three together so that it will all brew together.
2-Add the water and start coffee pot or boil and rest the usual 3 times for the Ibrik.
3-When done pour into your cup, sweeten as or if desired.
4-Sit back and enjoy what may be the best cup of coffee ever.



½ teaspoon saffron threads
9 large eggs
240g caster sugar
160g flour
80g cornflour
½ teaspoon salt
225g icing sugar
300g butter, softened
3 tablespoons espresso or very strong coffee, cold
6 tablespoons Kahlua or other coffee-flavoured liqueur
saffron toffee & finely chopped pistachios, to decorate
1⁄4 teaspoon saffron
80g sugar
The lovely Joulep café in Shiraz serves an unusual saffron latte, a combination that is surprising and very good so I have used it here in a saffron cake with a coffee cream. I made a tall celebration-style cake which serves 12 but you can easily half the sponge mix to make one shorter cake for 6 people. If you do that, reduce the coffee cream only by a third (2 eggs, 150g icing sugar, 200g butter, 11⁄2 tablespoons coffee), so you still have plenty of icing. The sponge needs the moisture of the coffee cream and liqueur, so if you don’t want the alcohol, use weak coffee or even orange juice to drizzle over the layers.

The saffron toffee is a little tricky because the saffron makes it such a lovely orange colour that it’s hard to tell when the sugar starts to caramelise. Keep a close eye on it and you can tell by the smell, or test little bits on the paper as it bubbles. If the weather is muggy, make the toffee just before you need it. Of course, it is not essential to the cake if that all seems too hard!


1. Heat the oven to 180°C.
2. Line 2 x 20cm cake tins.
3. Put the saffron in a small mortar and pestle and grind to a fine powder.
4. Transfer to a small cup and pour over 50ml of nearly boiling water.
5. Cover with a saucer and leave to steep for 15 minutes.
6. Put six of the eggs and the caster sugar in a mixer and whisk until very thick and pale, about 8-10 minutes.
7. Sift over the flour, cornflour and salt and gently fold in along with the saffron water.
8. Divide the mixture evenly between the cake tins and bake for 25-28 minutes until a skewer comes out clean.
9. Cool on a wire rack, then slice each cake in half.
10. Put the remaining three eggs and the icing sugar in a bowl over gently bubbling water and whisk until creamy, about 8-10 minutes.
11. Set aside to cool.
12. In a separate bowl, beat the butter until creamy then beat in the coffee.
13. When the egg mix is cool, beat them both together.
14. To assemble, put one layer of cake on a serving plate and drizzle with a little liqueur if using, spread with a little coffee cream, repeat the layers then cover the whole cake with the cream.
15. Decorate with saffron toffee and pistachios.
17. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
18. Put the saffron in a small mortar and pestle and grind to a rough powder.
19. In a small saucepan, heat the sugar with the saffron and 2 tablespoons water, stirring until the sugar is dissolved.
20. Then do not stir at all until the mixture just starts to caramelise.
21. Pour onto the tray in an even layer.
22. Leave to cool then break into pieces or crush.


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